F-10 Curriculum (V8)
F-10 Curriculum (V9)
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In this lesson, students explore the life, work and times of Rube Goldberg. The lesson uses Rube Goldberg’s work to teach students about simple machines, how they function and their design principles. Working in groups, the students then design and create a Rube Goldberg machine that can complete a simple task. Students ...
In this scope and sequence unit students represent objects, ideas and events as pictures, symbols, numbers and words. Students represent the data they have acquired in different ways.
This scope and sequence unit introduces students to exploring how data – such as a picture, object or symbol – can be used to communicate an idea or observation. They represent data with familiar objects, and identify the features that can help us differentiate one object from the other.
This scope and sequence unit explores how text, numbers, sound and images are transmitted between digital systems. Students explore symbols and images, and learn about the conventions of data representation. They apply their understanding by representing the same data in various ways.
In visual art, what do you think stamping refers to? Learn how to create artworks using this technique. See if you can find something other than a leaf as the stamp to experiment with.
Traditionally artworks were representations of real life objects and environments. When you looked at these works you could usually identify what the artist was representing. How is abstract art different from this? Watch this video to see an example of an abstract painting, then have a go at creating one yourself!
Explore a world of play and imagery, where nothing is as ordinary as it seems. Students respond imaginatively when using a stick as a stimulus to explore elements of drama and create characters. Students will develop their expressive skills through movement and voice. Students also create artworks using a stick as a stimulus.
A visual arts activity for students using aerial perspective and abstract forms.
Students explore dance through scarecrow images and movements. They engage in creative play and create simple images.
Investigate the unique physical features of the giraffe and explore how giraffes are represented in art. Create your own giraffe artwork.
This unit uses various arts practices as the stimuli for exploring the safety message of Stop, Look, Listen, Think. Students create woven artworks to incorporate safety messages; they collaboratively develop a play about safety; and explore rap as a music form and combined with dance convey a safety message in a performance.
Students explore the artworks of Italian artist Giuseppe Arcimboldo, who lived four hundred years ago. He loved creating artworks out of other objects. He used objects like fruit, vegetables, sea creatures, flowers, bowls, barrels and books. Students create their own artwork in his style.
This resource embeds the use of online collaboration tools and 21st century learning skills in a student-centered hands-on project designed to welcome refugees into their community. The syllabus outcomes are aligned to NSW Stage 4 English, Geography or Visual Arts but this could be used with older or younger students by ...
Students explore music and dance through body percussion and singing as they learn the story of the unicorn and lion's big battle. They create a collage artwork using images of lions and unicorns that they can find.
This is a web resource about the symbols used on appliances and devices to indicate energy saving and energy rating. It provides a teacher guide and a student activity that prompts the student to carry out internet searches for images using the search terms 'energy saving' and 'energy rating' and to compare the results ...
This resource focuses on how humour is created in images, films and multimodal texts. It includes activities and reading strategies to support the analysis and understanding of the processes of visual humour in texts. This resource supports the Australian Curriculum in English K–10.
How do people celebrate Christmas now? This clip shows some of the ways Christmas was celebrated in 1983. People sent cards, gave presents and sang carols. Have things changed?
A resource with information, study guides and resources on visual literacy to support the English K-10 Australian Curriculum in English. It provides a series of activities, guidelines and tasks about visual texts from a variety of sources. Contains writing scaffolds, templates and proformas for responding and composing ...
This is a unit of work that uses visual and multimodal texts to explore rail safety on and around the rail network. Specific topics include: evaluative language, persuasive text, comparing texts and the creation of a visual and multimodal campaign to promote rail safety. The resource includes: teacher notes, three learning ...
This resource will lead students in commemorating the centenary of the First World War. Students will develop historical research skills through the investigation of the use of symbols, memorials and the Anzac spirit and their significance in Australia and across the world. The resource will support the introduction of ...