Close message Due to scheduled maintenance on Thursday 16th January 2024 between 5.00 pm until 7.00 pm AEDT, Scootle may face a disruption in service. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.


What is Scootle?

Scootle is a national digital learning repository which provides Australian teachers with access to digital learning items, provided by a wide array of contributors and aligned to core areas of the Australian Curriculum.

The digital resources available to teachers nationally include:

  • interactive, multimedia resources
  • audio, photo and video resources
  • open-ended tools for teachers and students to create learning resources
  • interactive assessment resources
  • work samples
  • collections of curriculum resources
  • teacher ideas and units of work.

The Australian Curriculum in Scootle

Scootle has made finding and using digital resources aligned to the Australian Curriculum easy for teachers.

Teachers can browse the Australian Curriculum at the content descriptions and elaborations levels. The matching digital resources are quality-assured and include activities for students, teacher support materials and interactive assessment resources. There are digital resources to support all content descriptions for the published Australian Curriculum for English, mathematics, science and history.

More information on the Australian Curriculum is available at

Scootle learning paths

Teachers can use Scootle to create personalised 'learning paths' consisting of digital curriculum resources organised into a learning sequence targeted to individual students, student groups or for particular learning purposes.

Students can access a learning path anywhere and at any time, using a unique PIN, without the need for logins. A learning path can also be exported in a number of formats for external use by students as a worksheet, checklist of activities completed or as an assessment task.

Teachers can add learning paths to a searchable bank of resources that educators can access, select, repurpose and adapt for their own context. Teachers can browse learning paths, or search by keyword, title or year level.

Who can access Scootle?

All Australian educators, from pre-service teachers through to principals, have access to Scootle and Education Services Australia's other services via their education email address. To find out more, visit Who can access Scootle?