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Numbers Count: Multiply two numbers to get twenty!

Did you know that 5 times 4 equals 20? Did you also know that there are other numbers you can multiply to get to 20? See if you can come up with at least two other numbers.


Comparing chance

A simple interactive simulation in which students compare probabilities.


Nine times table

Learning the times tables can be hard! Watch this neat trick to learn the nine times table using just your fingers. See if you can solve 9 times 6 using this trick.


Multiplying and dividing decimals

Learn how to multiply and divide decimals by 100. Based on this video, see if you can work out how to multiply and divide decimals by 10 and 1000. What do you get if you multiply 0.375 by 10?


MoneySmart: Teaching resources for VET

ASIC's Be MoneySmart is an online training resource for VET students and senior high school students. It helps students to develop money management skills which support their future careers in small business or as contractors. It consists of five online modules: Saving, budgeting and spending; Personal tax; Superannuation; ...


MathXplosion, Ep 24: Volumes and surface areas

Take two differently shaped containers, for example, a tall, skinny cylinder and a short wide one. Which one will hold more beads? The result may surprise you! It's all about capacity. Two containers with the same surface area can have very different shapes and sizes, so they can have different volumes and hold different ...


MathXplosion, Ep 40: Kaprekar's operation

Did you know that 6,174 is a very mysterious number? In 1949, the mathematician Dr Kaprekar from India devised a process now known as Kaprekar's operation. First, choose a four-digit number where the digits are all different. Then rearrange the digits to get the largest and smallest numbers these digits can make. Finally, ...


Catalyst: Graham's number

If you were asked what the biggest number you can think of is, what would you say? Infinity? Well, what about the biggest finite number you can think of? Mathematician Ron Graham came across such a gigantic number in his research that, to capture its massive size, he and his colleagues needed to come up with new methods ...


Stateline: Orienteering: using a map and compass

Orienteering requires knowledge of directions, an ability to read a map and the use of a magnetic compass. Find out about the basics of orienteering.


Using Pythagoras' Theorem (Simulation)

An interactive simulation in which students use Pythagoras' theorem can be used to find distances.


ABC News: Space debris: the accuracy of space lasers

In space there are thousands of human-made objects (satellites and space junk) orbiting Earth. To avoid collision with space debris, satellites are manoeuvred out of its path. Discover how space debris is tracked using lasers, and about accuracy's effects on the lifetime of the satellite. Find out, using trigonometry, the ...


Catalyst: Applying trigonometry: leaning tower

The Leaning Tower of Gingin is the centrepiece of the Gravity Discovery Centre. The Catalyst team of Derek, Simon and Anja drop watermelons from the tower, to examine the rate at which they fall. They are testing Galileo's theory about falling objects. The dimensions of the tower provide an opportunity to apply some basic ...


Triangle Types

An interactive applet in which students classify triangles as isosceles, scalene and equilateral.


Are plants mathematicians?

Ever noticed that plants are examples of Fibonacci numbers? Watch Vi Hart draw examples of flower petals and leaf growth that follow this pattern. See how plants seem to use Phi (.), the golden ratio. Find out how to make your own 'angle-a-tron' to create interesting petal designs. This is the second in a series of two.


Clean-up time

This stop motion animation teaches sorting and graphing skills while cleaning up a messy room. Objects are sorted by color, type, and shape. The results are then grouped to find out which toys they have the most, least, and an equal number of.


MathXplosion, Ep 45: How to make an origami frog

Origami folds have associated geometric patterns or "paper trails" in which we are able to visualise different types of triangles, angles, polygons, lines and symmetry. Use these patterns to turn a two-dimensional flat sheet of paper into a three-dimensional hopping frog!


MathXplosion, Ep 4: Tessellation tricks

Learn how two shapes from a repeating tile cause a pattern to undergo a metamorphosis. Create the illusion of one animal slowly transforming into another, line by line. Is it a bird? Is it a fish?


MathXplosion, Ep 31: Heavy vs big

How would you measure and compare the weight of something? Learn why big things aren't necessarily heavy. All you need is something heavy and a lot of something light and you’ll be able to prove that weight is not the same as size.


Stateline: Mapping farmland: using area and trigonometry

In northern Queensland's Gulf region, some farmers use GPS mapping to help manage their extensive properties. Use this clip as a context for applying your understanding of area, in particular your understanding of conversion between square kilometres and hectares. Apply trigonometry and Pythagoras' theorem.


Count Us In, Ep 12: Will it Rain Today?

What is the chance for Flynn and Dodly that it will rain at the beach? Dodly takes his umbrella and gumboots just in case it rains, and his scarf and gloves in case it gets cold. Explore the language of chance with the two monsters. What is the chance Dodly will pick a blue lolly out of the bag of four lollies?