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Do you have a pet?

This collection of digital and printable resources introduces the names for most common pets and the functions to describe their size, colour and body, using the core question 'Com'è il tuo/la tua...?'. It focuses on the use of big and small ('grande' and 'piccolo'), basic colours, and expressions to describe fur ('pelo'), ...


Revision: introductions, descriptions, addresses

This set of interactive and printable resources provides an overview and summary of the vocabulary and language functions to introduce and describe people, including name, surname, age, address, favourite pet and colour. It provides a variety of descriptive texts, including ID cards and presentations. Translations, solutions ...


Radical hunt: island hunt [Japanese]

Search an island for clues to find a rare bird. Find kanji hidden near the things they represent. Notice the kanji are compound kanji that share a common radical. Discover the related meanings of each set of kanji. Identify the general pattern that the meaning of a radical will contribute to the meaning of a compound kanji. ...


Kanji wheel of discovery 2

Solve word puzzles in a quiz show. Choose a key kanji such as 同, 学 or 明. Then spin the wheel to make new compound words using your key kanji. Use the meanings of the individual kanji to work out the meaning of each compound word and score points. Solve the meaning of enough compound words to win a prize. Review all the ...


My design: talking cat [Indonesian]

Design a cat that speaks in Indonesian. Select items in Indonesian to choose your cat's mood, size, position and colour. Then choose a voice and background picture for your cat. Decide on a name that suits your talking cat. Finally, add a message in Indonesian about your cat. You can change your design as many times as ...