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This 6 minute video segment from Catalyst explains how the dugong, a vulnerable to endangered species is protected and that very little is known about it. Biologists are capturing animals to get baseline information about their blood and tissues in an effort to find out more about them and to secure their future. They are ...


Cloud seeding

This nine and a half minute video segment from Catalyst describes how researchers from Monash University have hard evidence that cloud seeding can produce good amounts of extra rainfall. Data collected over a long period of time has give hope to scientists and environmentalists who are trying to reduce the impacts of droughts ...


Cracked soils

This brief video segment from Catalyst demonstrates how scientists have developed probes to measure the water content of soils and therefore monitor the effectiveness of irrigation and the efficiency of water usage.


Planes, Trains and Autism

This 7 minute video segment from Catalyst explains how science has been applied to helping to deal with behaviours associated with Asperger's syndrome.



This six and a half minute video segment from Catalyst explains Earthshine as light from our own Earth reflected back from the Moon's dark side. A PhD student is studying it to learn about how light reflects from a planet that contains liquid water as well as land. Her work may one day lead to the discovery of other planets ...


Brainy bees

This six and a half minute video segment from Catalyst shows how understanding bees process information from their compound eyes may help in designing better surveillance systems. This program is useful for discussion of the methods of scientific research into behaviour and perception.


Ancient DNA

This 9 minute video segment from Catalyst explains the role of Australian Centre for Ancient DNA.It is an internationally recognised research centre for the study of minute traces of preserved genetic material - species studied date from a million years ago to more modern day mysteries... from mammoths to the Tassie devil, ...


Eco Farming

This six and a half minute video segment from Catalyst provides an example of a new strategy to balance human activities and needs with the maintenance of a quality and sustainable environment. Viewers will discover how EcoTender, a land management scheme being trialled by the Victorian Government, is combining science ...


Rabbit immunity

This 6 minute video segment from Catalyst covers a range of biological concepts associated with the history, impacts and methods of control of the introduced rabbit in Australia.



This 5 minute video segment from Catalyst shows a field trip with Dr Conrad Hoskin who has been scouring the tropical rainforests of north Queensland for frogs. He explains his research and the links between classification or taxonomy and evolution.


Coal Gas

This 12 minute video segment from Catalyst outlines how for decades, scientists have worked to develop technologies that can unlock the energy from coal while reducing the risks of digging it up and burning it. Now entirely new industries are booming as they tap into coal seams either too gassy or too deep to be mined by ...


Melbourne Recital Centre

This 6 minute video segment from Catalyst explains how understanding the properties of sound and modelling has been successfully applied to create the ideal space for recitals.


GM Bananas

This 8 minute video segment from Catalyst explains how genetically modified bananas could be the answer to malnutrition in developing countries. Botanists in Queensland are developing genetically modified bananas that can boost vitamin and mineral content and create disease resistant varieties. Issues of lack of genetic ...


Stem Cells Repair

This 11 minute video segment from Catalyst is a case study of research in the use of stem cells. It demonstrates the structure of the knee joint and the role of bones and cartilage. Stem cells from bone marrow are collected and used in attempt to prevent the onset of arthritis. This program distinguishes embryonic from ...


Carbon country update

This five and a half minute video segment from Catalyst discusses the potential to manage controlled burning in Arnhem that reduces frequency of wildfires to provide other benefits. The potential to turn this into economic benefits from carbon trading is explored and the science investigations that will first be essential.



This 7 minute video segment from Catalyst describes the risk factors that impact on turtle survival. Protecting the future of turtle populations on the Queensland coast has been the life's work of Col Limpus for the past 40 years. His efforts have included research and reducing predation from foxes and entrapment in trawler nets.


Mirrors Simulation (sk-Intel)

Students explore the reflection of light by plane mirrors and operate a simple periscope using ray diagrams.


Rat Nav

This 5 minute video segment from Catalyst shows how University of Queensland scientists have created a computer program which mimics the way a rat navigates, in the hope of one day giving future robotic vehicles the ability to explore and map their environments by themselves.


Water recycling

This 11 minute video segment from Catalyst provides an excellent explanation of the processes involved in recycling sewage for an urban water supply. It also provides a range of opinions and concerns in an excellent debate on the topic.


Monkey Malaria

This 13 minute video segment from Catalyst describes recent research in Borneo investigates malaria that is common to monkeys and humans.