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Writing Fables

How do the events in a fable relate to the moral of the story? In this lesson, students will engage in the writing process to create original fables and perform a skit. They will review the elements of a fable and develop an understanding of how to create a centralized focus in a narrative.


Find advice as to how to help your students learn to creatively critique each other's work

Find advice as to how to help your students learn to creatively critique each other's work. The resource includes useful questions that can be used as a structure for critique and review.


Astronomical knowledge in art

In the Visual Arts Indigenous narratives are shared through symbols and with materials made from and of country. The artworks in this resource show how Aboriginal artists represent astronomical knowledge and stories in different ways. Take students through the work of two Indigenous artists, exploring the traditional techniques ...


Elements of Myth

In this lesson, students will read myths, discuss the elements of this literary form, and dramatize a myth of their choice. They will write scientific, research-based reports, as well as fantastical stories to explain the natural phenomena of the world.


Performing a Haiku: How can spoken word transform a poem?

In this lesson, students will reflect on small moments of peace or happiness to write an original haiku. Students will demonstrate spoken word to perform a haiku for an audience.


Art and Poetry

How are surrealist techniques applied in art and poetry? In this lesson, students will analyse poetic devices in the poems and images of the surrealist movement. They will learn about artists including André Breton, Robert Desnos, Salvador Dalí, and Joan Miró. Students will write original poems using surrealist techniques.


Landscape Painting

This teaching activity explores the ways that artists render foreground, middle ground, and background in a landscape painting. Students will then create a landscape painting using various techniques to portray illusions of depth and reflection.


Mythological Characters

How do Greek mythological figures inspire modern day characters? In this lesson, students will explore the connection between Greek mythology and modern culture. They will analyse Greek culture, mythological characters, and apply elements of mythology. They will design and paint original mythological characters with watercolours.


Staging Shakespeare: How do you stage a comedy scene?

In this lesson, students will explore the nature of comedy by informally staging the opening scenes from William Shakespeare’s play, As You Like It. Students will apply a variety of stylistic approaches to stage scenes from the play, then perform for an audience.


Adapting a Musical

How can stories transform into a musical theatre adaptation? In this teaching activity, students will develop a musical from a book, play, or short story. They will bring the story to the stage through movements and song by analysing elements of a story and adopting creative team roles.


Character Building

In this teaching activity, students analyse popular characters and methods of characterization used by writers. They apply these methods to create a profile and illustration of an original character. They will then write a short script.


The Making of Monsters

In this lesson, students will investigate monsters in film and across cultures. Students will analyse film scores and soundtracks that feature monsters. Students will create original conceptions of a monster to present in a multimedia presentation.


Aesop’s Fables: Comedy and Tragedy Masks

In this teaching activity, students will explore how characters from fables express their thoughts and feelings in comedy and tragedy plays? The activity encourages insights into human nature and making connections between ancient Greek culture and contemporary cultures.


How can movement and music tell a story?

In this teaching activity, students will choreograph a sequence of ballet movements to tell a story. Students will explore conceptual and practical elements of classical ballet and learn basic ballet vocabulary through demonstration.


Character Sketches

What techniques do storytellers use to create characters? In this lesson, students will analyse how a character's personality traits, actions and motives influence the plot of a story. They will use their senses to create character sketches, then dramatize the character for an audience.


Painting: The Art of Self Expression

How are elements of art and styles expressed through painting? In this K-2 lesson, students will explore elements of art and different artists' techniques to create various styles of paintings. Students will interpret art and describe styles by using key vocabulary terms when discussing paintings.


5 Easy Drama Games for the Early Elementary Classroom

Drama games tap into students’ imagination and can be used in any classroom for a variety of purposes—in warm-ups or closures, team-building activities, or to accompany and enhance a lesson plan.


Fire in song

Explore the deep cultural importance of fire ('Gurtha') in Yolngu culture, that links to ancestral traditions, land, and water, shaping laws and knowledge through rich songs, dances, and designs. Fire embodies a connection to the past and sacred landscapes.


Living off our waters

Teachers can enrich their curriculum by teaching students about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander sustainable resource management, highlighting the profound link between Indigenous cultures and the environment. Different land areas need to be managed differently, in this resource students will investigate a range of ...


Understanding and respecting cultural narratives

Teachers guide students to explore cultural narratives through a film that highlights the rich traditions, morals, and storytelling techniques of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People.