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MathXplosion, Ep 8: Birthday probability

What is the probability there are at least two people in your class who have the same birthday? If you have at least 23 people in your class, the chances are good. Find out the maths behind this theory.


Catalyst: Prime numbers and unbreakable codes

Imagine if anyone was able to read all our secret, encrypted messages and information. Watch and find out how scientists at the Australian National University are developing a new encryption system using quantum physics and quantum computing.


Working out the areas

Do you know how to work out the area of a square, a rectangle or a triangle? Learn the simple maths formulas needed from this video. What would be the area of a rectangle with a height of 5cm and a length of 3cm?


My Five Cents: What is opportunity cost?

What is the true cost of buying something? Gen Fricker explains that it's more than just money. Learn about opportunity cost - what it is, why it's a helpful tool and when to use it. Simple! Then test yourself with ASIC MoneySmart's "Things to think about" classroom exercises.  


Maths inside bees and beehives

Bees are necessary for assisting many plants to produce the food we eat, including meat and milk. Colony collapse disorder, which describes the disappearance of beehives, could have catastrophic effects on food production. Australian scientists are applying their maths and science knowledge to build up a picture of a healthy ...


Comparing fuel consumption

Is it more fuel efficient to drive or fly between two places? Watch this clip and learn how to calculate the answer. What are the various factors that need to be taken into account? This video was made using the American measurement of gallons per hour, American firgures for the average number of passengers in a car and ...


MathXplosion, Ep 1: Magic 9s

Follow these simple calculations to illustrate the special properties of the number 9. Pick your favourite number between 1 and 9 and multiply that number by 3. Add 3 to your answer. Multiply the result by 3. Treat your two-digit answer as two separate numbers and add them together. No matter what number you pick to start ...


Catalyst: Take the Phi Golden challenge

The golden ratio, Phi: fact or fallacy? What about the Fibonacci sequence? We are told this ratio and its cousin Fibonacci occur everywhere in nature. Let's see which of these claims stacks up when put to the test.


Solving percentage problems

This digital resource is a video demonstration of a procedural method to calculate an unknown quantity, given an amount is a known percentage of the unknown. For a single example, students are presented with an algorithmic, step-by-step, pen-and-paper method. The demonstration is complemented by the presenter's commentary ...


MathXplosion, Ep 10: What is the strongest shape?

Are triangles really the strongest shapes ever? If so, why? Learn how and why right-angled and equilateral triangles have been used in engineering, architecture and design through the ages.


Can you guess the weight of Uluru?

What is the "wisdom of a crowd"? Mathematician Lily Serna investigates a mathematical phenomenon that suggests that if you have a large enough crowd, with a broad variety of people making estimates, then the mean (average) answer of the crowd will be accurate! Find out if a crowd can guess the weight of Uluru from the ground ...


Catalyst: Small scale measurements

What units of measurements do we use to describe incredibly small things like blood cells and atoms? Watch as you are taken on a journey to explain the different units of measurement that we use to describe the very small.


MathXplosion, Ep 50: How to use a tetrahedron to solve the tree problem

How can you place four trees exactly the same distance apart from one other? By making a model! By using miniature trees to make a model of the problem, it becomes clear that a 2D solution is impossible. We learn how objects can help us visualise the problem situation, which in this case requires a 3D solution: a tetrahedron.


My Five Cents: Why investing can be risky

Planning to get rich quick by investing one day? Before you jump in, let Gen Fricker explain some of the risks involved with different types of investments. Then test yourself with ASIC MoneySmart's "Things to think about" classroom exercises.  


MathXplosion, Ep 22: How to communicate numbers with Roman numerals

Explore an alternative way to communicate numbers using the anchor numbers 5 and 10 and the ancient Roman counting system based on letters. Roman numerals were used throughout Europe well into the middle ages and still appear in the names of monarchs, the production year of films, on buildings and on timepieces.


Mean, median and mode

This resource is a video demonstration, with audio commentary, about calculating the mean, median and mode of a data set. The meaning of each of the terms - mean, median and mode - is explained and the difference between them is clarified. The resource explains the process and demonstrates a handwritten method for calculating ...


Understanding exponents: 2

This resource is a short video presentation, with audio commentary, in which the meaning of exponents or powers of a number is explained. In the numerical example used the presenter explains the difference between evaluating the power of a number and the product of two numbers.


Rounding decimals to the nearest tenth

This is a digital resource comprising a video demonstration of rounding a decimal fraction to the nearest tenth. The commentary uses and interchanges between the language of decimal places and decimal place values expressed in terms of tenths and hundredths. Practice questions dealing more broadly with rounding numbers ...


What are pixels?

Meet Kevin Systrom and Piper Hanson as they explain how digital images work. What are pixels, those tiny dots of light, made from? How are colours created and represented? What does Kevin say about the way mathematical functions are used to create different image filters. What is the difference between image resolution ...


How does income tax work?

Gen Fricker makes income tax interesting! Learn about income tax - what it is, how it works and when you have to pay it. Easy-peasy! Then test yourself with ASIC Moneysmart's "Things to think about" classroom exercises.