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Learning objects What house is that?

TLF ID M019863

This is an interactive streetscape of nine houses, each from a different era and of different styles. They represent the nine main housing styles in Victoria. Information about each of the houses includes: features and style; the Architect; designers; historical observations; house owners; and general social history of the era. The nine styles of houses are: Early Victorian; Mid Victorian; Late Victorian; Queen Anne; Edwardian; Bungalow; Inter-war; Post-war; and Modern. The resource can also be downloaded as a booklet.

Educational details

Educational value
  • This is a very useful resource for The globalising world depth study the year 10 History curriculum. It relates to at least eight content descriptions and is particularly relevant for the content descriptions that refer to: the inter-years between World War I and World War II; the changing way of life in the industrial revolution; and the nature of popular culture at the end of World War II. The Bungalow, Inter-war, Post-war and Modern houses are very useful, they have embedded links that provide information about social history, materials used in each house, architectural designs and interior decoration.
  • The resource is also very relevant for the year 9 History curriculum in particular the Australia and Asia depth study. It is relevant for the content description that refers to the living and working conditions in Australia around the turn of the twentieth century. The Bungalow, Inter-war, Post-war and Modern houses are useful here; embedded links within each house provide information about the interior of the house, the social history and typical lifestyles at the time each house was built.
  • The resource is also very relevant for the Making a better world depth study in the year 9 History curriculum. In particular the content descriptions that refer to: the experiences of men, women and children during the Industrial Revolution, and their changing way of life; and the short and long-term impacts of the Industrial Revolution, including changes in landscapes. Each of the houses has links embedded that provide information about: the progression of housing design, the introduction of different materials and changes in interior decoration.
  • The resource is also useful for the year 5 and 6 History curriculum, in particular the content descriptions that refer to the role of significant individuals played in the development of Australia in the 1800's and 1900's. The Early Victorian, Mid Victorian, Late Victorian, Queen Anne and Edwardian houses provide useful information. Embedded links within the interior section of each of the houses provide relevant information.
Year level

5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10

Other details

  • Contributor
  • Name: Education Services Australia
  • Organization: Education Services Australia
  • Description: Data manager
  • Address: VIC, AUSTRALIA
  • URL:
  • Copyright Holder
  • Name: Heritage Council of Victoria
  • Organization: Heritage Council of Victoria
  • URL:
  • Publisher
  • Name: Heritage Council of Victoria
  • Organization: Heritage Council of Victoria
  • Description: Publisher
  • URL:
  • Resource metadata contributed by
  • Name: Education Services Australia Ltd
  • Organisation: Education Services Australia Ltd
  • Address: AUSTRALIA
  • URL:
Access profile
  • Unknown
Learning Resource Type
  • Interactive
  • Online
  • Copyright of materials present on the Heritage Council website resides with the Heritage Council of Victoria. Apart from fair dealing for the purposes of private study, research, criticism or review, as permitted under copyright legislation, no part may be reproduced or reused for any commercial purposes whatsoever.The State of Victoria has advised Copyright Agency to not collect or pay royalties to departments and agencies of the State.