F-10 Curriculum (V8)
F-10 Curriculum (V9)
Your search returned 31 results
Do you know how many seasons there are in a year? Watch this video as Dirtgirl explains the seasons in some countries. Did you know that in Australia there is more than one way of describing seasons? Find out what they are.
The Kokoda Campaign was tough. The terrain was steep, the vegetation dense and the enemy close at hand and unseen. And then there was the weather! In this clip from the Weather Quarter, find out how the weather in the winter of 1942 influenced the outcome of one of Australia's most challenging military operations.
This resource is a Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) web page with information about the history, purpose and operations of Bureau stations, and an explanation of the different types of station, from fully-staffed stations measuring all weather elements to stations with only remote rainfall-recording instruments. Some stations ...
This resource is a Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) web page describing the system of warnings of tsunami threats to Australia's coastline and offshore territories. The resource explains the role of the Australian Tsunami Warning System (ATWS) project, and the Joint Australian Tsunami Warning Centre (JATWC) operated by Geoscience ...
This rich resource is a Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) web page that provides data for rainfall, temperature, weather and climate and solar exposure recorded by weather stations around Australia. The user can access observations and statistics by entering a weather station number, or by using text or an interactive map to ...
This resource is a joint Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) and Geoscience Australia media guide PDF designed to assist the media to communicate tsunami warnings to the Australian public. The resource explains the role of the Joint Australian Tsunami Warning Centre (JATWC) operated by Geoscience Australia and the Bureau. The resource ...
How do you feel about the rain? This clip explains why rain is so important to farmers. You will see how to make a rain gauge and use it to measure how much rain falls. Farmers measure rainfall so they know when to do different jobs on their farms.
This is a resource for educators outlining practical activities that explore geological processes on Earth and how to identify geological features in images. It demonstrates how scientists use the Earth to gain a better understanding of other planetary bodies in the solar system through examining images of their geological ...
This resource is a Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) web page that provides trend maps for a number of climate variables including mean, maximum and minimum temperature, total rainfall, sea surface temperature, density of highs and lows, cloud cover and pan evaporation for Australia and for each state and the Northern Territory. ...
Have you ever wondered what a bee farm looks like? This clip shows how bee farmers (apiarists) look after their bees. Watch the bee hives being opened and see the honey being collected. View the machinery used to collect and bottle the honey.
The Sun is the primary source of energy on Earth and plays a major role in the weather we experience, but how does it affect weather in space? Watch this animation showing what happens when there is solar wind, solar flare and even a solar storm. Find out about their impacts on our planet and on us.
What do you feel like when the weather is hot and dry? Discover what happens to the land during dry weather. Look at how the landscape changes at different times of the year.
How can you tell when rain is on the way? Some animals seem to know when wet weather is coming. This clip explains some different ways that people can tell it's going to rain.
Imagine a place where it rains most of the time. What sort of creatures might live there? This clip shows a very wet place where the animals need lots of water to survive.
This learning sequence explores the topic of climate change and the Asia region. Students analyse how information about climate change is conveyed using various persuasive approaches.
This resource provides information and teaching and learning activities about Victorian wetlands environments. The resource is designed to accompany students on a visit to Cussen Park and to provide a guide to interacting with its interpretative Soundwalk and signage. The activities also provide general information on the ...
This sequence of 4 learning activities investigates the weather and seasons. Using photos from The State Library of NSW’s collection, students observe, infer, describe and imagine the weather of places and complete activities related to climate.
This is a Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) student worksheet about weather. The worksheet includes an aim, an introduction explaining what weather is and a series of questions about weather for students to respond to using pictures and words. Some of the questions are about what sort of clothes the students would wear and games ...
This resource is a Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) web page that provides warnings to the Australian community of tsunami threats to Australia's coastline and offshore territories. These warnings are issued by the Joint Australian Tsunami Warning Centre (JATWC) operated by Geoscience Australia and the Bureau. The resource shows ...
This is a Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) web page containing a lesson plan on weather. The resource clearly sets out lesson objectives and provides a list of questions with sample answers. The resources and actions section of the lesson plan has a link to a student worksheet for the teacher to print out.