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Listed under:  Mathematics  >  Measurement  >  Units of measurement

The Milky Way

What do you know about the Milky Way? Did you know that there are hundreds of billions of stars in it? Before you embark on your stargazing expedition, watch this video to learn how you can use just your hands and a compass to locate stars in the sky! What is the unit of measurement used when you're measuring distances ...


For the Juniors: Drawing a floor plan

How do we know what a house will look like before it is built? Discover how house plans work by looking at the design of a house that Hugo's family is going to build. See how a floor plan shows the room layout. See drawings of what the house will look like from different views.


What skills are important for programming robots?

Listen as David McKinnon from UNSW describes some of the skills that are useful to have if you want to program robots. David explains an activity that exercises problem solving skills. Why don't you try doing it? Look at a map and find some towns that are close to yours. Use the scale on the map to work out the distances ...


Working out the areas

Do you know how to work out the area of a square, a rectangle or a triangle? Learn the simple maths formulas needed from this video. What would be the area of a rectangle with a height of 5cm and a length of 3cm?


Exploring mysterious shapes

Join QuanQuan and Jenny as they explore some weird and wonderful shapes! While watching this clip, think about the sides, edges, surfaces and volumes of the shapes that are demonstrated. How are these shapes different from regular 2D and 3D forms?


Numbers 20-100

This is a collection of digital activities and printable worksheets that uses the Italian ordinal numbers 20 to 100 in a variety of contexts, such as expressing weights and distances (in kilograms and kilometres), ages, phone numbers and street addresses, and playing cultural games such as tombola. It provides drills for ...


MathXplosion, Ep 39: Area vs perimeter

Want to know the trick to making a really big fort? Using cushions to build a fort, explore the concept of finding the largest area for a fixed perimeter. Surprisingly, there is no direct relationship between the perimeter of a rectangle and its area.


Mixed Up Maths, Ep 1: Monumental measurement mess ups

Did you know that in Australia we use a metric system for measurement? See if you know the units of measurement for length, mass and volume. Find out what system the United States uses. You guessed it - they don't use the metric system! See how a mix up of these units can cause all kinds of mess ups.


For the Juniors: Measure ingredients to make a cake

Sarah is following a recipe. There are some different units of measure used in the recipe. Watch the video to see what these measurement words are. How much of each ingredient is needed? How are the ingredients combined to make the cake?


Volume of a Pyramid and a Cone

This resource is a web page containing an investigative task to explore volume. Derive the formulae for the volumes of a square-based pyramid and a cone, using mathematical concepts. A printable resource is also available to support the task. This resource is an activity from the NRICH website.


In a spin

This resource is a web page containing a short task to explore volume of a solid shape. The task involves calculating the volume of the solid formed by rotating a right angled triangle about its hypotenuse A printable resource and solution is also available to support the task. This resource is an activity from the NRICH ...


Area of a square and a triangle

Do you know the formula for working out the area of a square? How about a triangle? Watch this short maths video to learn the formulas for both.


Sizing Them Up

This resource is a web page containing a short task to explore area of irregular shapes by informal means. Arrange irregular shapes in size order smallest to largest. This resource is an activity from the NRICH website.


reSolve: Area and Perimeter

This series of three lessons explores the relationship between area and perimeter using the context of bumper cars at an amusement park. Students design a rectangular floor plan with the largest possible area with a given perimeter. They then explore the perimeter of a bumper car ride that has a set floor area and investigate ...


reSolve: Measurement - Parcel in the Post

This lesson challenges students to find the most cost-efficient way to package a variety of items to send in the post. Students are provided with a matrix of parcel postage charges and a variety of different possible parcels. They categorise the parcels, measure their dimensions and weights and then calculate the postage ...


reSolve: Tree Biomass

In this sequence of two lessons, students investigate how many trees would be required to supply paper for their school for a year. Students use similar triangles, Pythagoras' Theorem and algebra to design and construct a Biltmore stick, used to measure the diameter and height of a tree. They measure trees, calculate their ...


reSolve: Authentic Problems: Expanded Square

This sequence of four lessons explores concepts around informal area and symmetry. Students design an 'expanded square' where approximately half the area of the original square is flipped to the outside. The lessons provide opportunities for students to devise and use methods to informally measure area, record their mathematical ...


MathXplosion, Ep 31: Heavy vs big

How would you measure and compare the weight of something? Learn why big things aren't necessarily heavy. All you need is something heavy and a lot of something light and you’ll be able to prove that weight is not the same as size.


Introduction to polygons

Try this tutorial to test your knowledge of polygons (straight-sided shapes).


Imperial pie

This activity involves making a cake using a recipe in which the quantities of the ingredients required are measured using a variety of imperial units. To complete the recipe, students need to convert the imperial units to metric units in order to be able to use their metric measuring instruments. The activity serves to ...