F-10 Curriculum (V8)
F-10 Curriculum (V9)
Your search returned 8 results
This is the first part of a Chinese folk story called Journey to the west: the adventures of Monkey, which dates back 1,300 years. The story is about a monkey that gets magical powers. In the second part of the story the monkey becomes a companion of a monk on a dangerous journey. The resource is 15 web pages in length ...
This is a Chinese folk story called Lady Wenji and the lament of the nomad flute; it dates back almost 2,000 years. The story is about longing for something that cannot be: lamenting. The resource is 16 web pages in length and includes text, illustrations, arrows at the top of the resource to turn the pages forward and ...
This is the story of The Mahabharata, one of the world’s longest poems that was composed over 2,500 years ago in India. It is a story of family and friends and embodies Hindu mythology and philosophy. The message of the story is that rivalry leads to destruction. The story is 21 web pages long and includes text, illustrations, ...
This is a folk story titled The lion and the rabbit from the Panchatantra, a book that contains a collection of South Asian folk stories dating back at least 2,000 years. The message of the story is that intelligence is power. The story is eight web pages in length and includes text, illustrations, arrows at the top of ...
This is the second part of a Chinese folk story dating back 1,300 years called the Journey to the west: preparing for the great journey. The story is about finding three magical companions - a monkey, a pig and a strongman - for a monk who is going on a dangerous journey. The resource is 15 web pages and includes text, ...
This is a traditional Buddhist folktale from Tibet called The king stands up. The story is about a king trying to find an intelligent and trustworthy advisor; the message of the story is about mindfulness. The resource is 15 web pages in length and includes text, illustrations, arrows at the top of the resource to turn ...
This teacher resource describes the literacy and numeracy interventions that comprised the QuickSmart program for students at or below the National Minimum Standard in literacy and numeracy in years 4-8. The resource is organised in nine sections: Summary, Target student group, Method, Results, Lessons learned, Next steps, ...
This is an edited sound recording of one of Australia's best known research scientists and immunologists, Sir Gustav Nossal, outlining his views on medical research. He discusses the qualities necessary for a person to be a successful scientific researcher and talks about the nature and future of science research, suggesting ...