F-10 Curriculum (V8)
F-10 Curriculum (V9)
Your search returned 10 results
This work sample demonstrates evidence of student learning in relation to aspects of the achievement standards for Year 1 HASS F-6. The primary purpose for the work sample is to demonstrate the standard, so the focus is on what is evident in the sample not how it was created. The sample is an authentic representation of ...
In the German city of Leipzig, it seems as if almost everyone rides a bike. Like many European cities, Leipzig is 'bike friendly' and its residents have taken full advantage. In this clip, the reporter shows us why Europe is streets ahead when it comes to encouraging bike use and investigates what it might take for Australian ...
This thirteen and a half minute video highlights the importance of food and fibre production in the Murray Darling Basin. It explores the perspective of the farm families involved in both irrigated and dryland farming and explains how their products are distributed to local, national and global markets. This video also ...
Bali, a world-renowned slice of paradise in Indonesia, is undergoing rapid development to accommodate the increase in foreign tourism. Tourism brings money but it also drives up prices and affects the environment. View this clip to explore the issues experienced by those living in paradise.
Is it better for Australia to import or export goods and services? Find out the top countries Australia trades with and the types of things that are typically imported and exported. How is Australia's foreign debt linked to importing goods and services?
Have you ever visited a new baby? Come along with Levi as he meets his baby sister for the first time. Find out why people get so excited when a new baby arrives. Find out how families let people know about a new baby.
Cashews are expensive to buy, but Indonesian cashew farmers don't get paid a high price for them. So who gets the profits? Trace the journey of cashews from farm to market with some farmers from Flores who grow them. Find out about a program aimed at addressing the profit issue, and see its impact on the wellbeing of farmers ...
How is Australia connected globally? Watch as presenter Jeremy Fernandez uses a range of data sources to describe Australia's position in the world. From the economy to immigration, this clip shows some of the ways Australia currently connects with the world.
This is an online resource providing an overview of Indonesia including geography, people, history, economy and living conditions, as well as looking at the problem of inequality. It highlights the interconnections between Australia and Indonesia, explaining how the Australian Government and Non-Government Organisations ...
This is an online resource exploring the interconnections between Australian consumers and Indonesian cashew farmers, with cashews grown by farmers on Flores, a remote Indonesian Island, eventually sold for a high price in Australia. It looks at the role of World Vision Indonesia in helping farmers to carry out a market ...