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Morphology lesson slides: -s suffix for plural nouns

This sample slideshow presents a ready-to-use morphology lesson to teach adding the -s suffix to create plural nouns, with teacher notes indicating how to teach each part of the lesson.


Time and duration: Year 1 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 1 is for the topic of Time and duration. Students develop their understanding that different lengths of time have different names and that each time duration has a different standard unit of measure such as, hour, day, month and year.


Interpret and compare data displays: Year 5 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 5 is for the topic of Interpret and compare data displays. Students interpret line graphs representing change over time. They discuss the relationships that are represented and draw conclusions.


Conduct chance experiments: Year 5 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 5 is for the topic of Conduct chance experiments. Students conduct repeated chance experiments including those with and without equally likely outcomes. They then observe the outcome of their chance experiments, record data and describe the relative frequencies.


Acquire, record and represent data: Year 2 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 2 is for the topic of Acquire, record and represent data. Students review, consolidate and extend upon existing data understandings and skills. They collect data through surveys, observations and experiments. They explore and create different graphical representations of the data acquired. ...


Time and duration: Foundation – planning tool

This planning resource for Foundation is for the topic of Time and duration. Students sequence days of the week and daily events.


Place value: Year 1 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 1 is for the topic of Place value. Students further establish part-part-whole when exploring one- and two-digit numbers. They use partitioning to think about and represent numbers in different ways.


Shapes and objects: Year 1 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 1 is for the topic of Shapes and objects. Students compare and classify the properties of common shapes found in the classroom, home or local environment.


Number sequence: Foundation – planning tool

This planning resource for Foundation is for the topic of Number sequence. Students establish foundational ideas and skills in number. There is a focus on subitising – instantly recognising and naming the number of objects in small collections of up to 5 (without counting).


Measures of turn (angles): Year 2 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 2 is for the topic of Measures of turn (angles). Students develop their understanding of an angle as a measure of turn.


Multiplication and division: Year 3 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 3 is for the topic of Multiplication and division. Students further develop multiplication and division concepts. They multiply and divide one- and two-digit numbers. Students represent problems using number sentences, diagrams and arrays, and use a variety of calculation strategies.


Angles and parallel lines: Year 5 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 5 is for the topic of Angles and parallel lines. Students when working with angles, describe the amount of turn or rotation and develop their estimation and measurement skills.


Time and duration: Year 4 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 4 is for the topic of Time and duration. Students convert between units of time and apply their knowledge, skills and processes to solving simple time-related problems. They develop fluency in telling time to the nearest minute.


Possible outcomes: Year 4 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 4 is for the topic of Possible outcomes. Students build on their language of chance and ability to order outcomes or events based on their likelihood of occurring. They begin working with independent and dependent events – independent events occur when one event does not affect the other, ...


Multiplication and division: Year 2 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 2 is for the topic of Multiplication and division. Students begin to explore multiplication and realise that it can be represented in many ways.


Informal units: Year 2 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 2 is for the topic of Informal units. Students extend their understanding of uniform informal units to measure and compare the lengths, mass and capacities.


Patterns and number facts: Year 9 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 9 is for the topic of Patterns and number facts. Students bring together knowledge and skills of algebraic and graphical representations of linear functions and quadratic functions. They make these connections by systematically varying the parameters in the rules y = ax + b and y = a(x + ...


Position and location: Year 5 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 5 is for the topic of Position and location. Students use a grid coordinate system to locate and describe the position of objects, and use relevant positional and directional language to describe position and movement.


Collect, sort and compare data: Year 9 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 9 is for the topic of Collect, sort and compare data. Students examine different techniques for collecting types of data and begin to consider the challenges of collecting representative data by sampling a population.


Position and location: Foundation – planning tool

This planning resource for Foundation is for the topic of Position and location. Students are becoming familiar with using common words for describing position and location of an object.