F-10 Curriculum (V8)
F-10 Curriculum (V9)
Your search returned 33 results
Peg, Cat and her neighbour Lady Viv sort and recycle junk left behind in the field. Not only does this clip show how important recycling is it also can be used to discuss organising information and graphing.
Flynn helps Dodly gather information about monsters' favourite foods for Dodly's new cafe menu. Watch and learn while the two monsters research their friends' favourite foods and then display and organise this information. Will Flynn ever get fed at Cafe de Dodly?
Meet Kevin Systrom and Piper Hanson as they explain how digital images work. What are pixels, those tiny dots of light, made from? How are colours created and represented? What does Kevin say about the way mathematical functions are used to create different image filters. What is the difference between image resolution ...
The dataset provides statistics about the estimated resident population, median age and sex ratio by countries of birth for the latest year of available data. It is periodically updated by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). The dataset is included in the list of related datasets on the page in MS Excel format.
This is an interactive resource about plotting and identifying points on the Cartesian plane. The resource can be used in one of two modes. In the View mode, the student can enter the coordinates, and the corresponding point is identified on the coordinate plane when the 'Plot' button is selected. In the Guess mode, the ...
The dataset provides information about 780 of the convicts transported to Australia on the First Fleet ships 'Alexander', 'Charlotte', 'Lady Penrhyn', 'Friendship', 'Prince of Wales' and 'Scarborough' in 1788. The dataset includes information on items such as the convict's name, occupation, crime, date of trial and term ...
The dataset provides statistics about the population of Australia in terms of age and sex from 1901 to 2014. It is made available by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). The dataset is in MS Excel format.
Meet Larissa and her guinea pig called 'Superstar'. Learn how Larissa cares for her guinea pig pets and what her dream is. Find out what makes Superstar a superstar pet.
This sequence of four lessons invites students to investigate how many of a chosen food item are eaten at their school in a year. Students identify the mathematical knowledge they need to find how many of the selected items they eat in a year and devise a plan to find the total number, using grouping, partitioning and repeated ...
In this series of three lessons, students conduct an audit of the rubbish they find in their playground. They use a range of categories to sort, display and interpret the data and make simple inferences. They then reclassify the rubbish collected as to whether it can be recycled, composted or if it needs to go into the ...
In this lesson, students examine sporting scores and explore the concept of the average of a set of scores. Students collect sporting scores from real and hypothetical games, use blocks to visualise an even distribution of scores across matches and then explore how to calculate the average of a set of scores. The lesson ...
This sequence of 4 learning activities investigates the weather and seasons. Using photos from The State Library of NSW’s collection, students observe, infer, describe and imagine the weather of places and complete activities related to climate.
This is a dataset that provides statistics about crimes reported by victims from 2010 to the latest year of available data. It is periodically updated by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). The dataset is in MS Excel format.
This is a website designed for both teachers and students that discusses methods of mental computation. In particular, applying the associative, commutative and distributive laws to aid mental and written computation is discussed. These are important ideas for the introduction of algebra. There are pages for both teachers ...
This is a website designed for both teachers and students that refers to algebraic notation, the laws of arithmetic and the use of these laws in algebra from the Australian Curriculum for year 7 students. It contains material on algebraic notation, the commutative and associative laws, the use of brackets and the orders ...
This is a website designed for both teachers and students that addresses the introduction of algebra. It is particularly relevant for introducing the idea of the use of a variable as a way of representing numbers. There are pages for both teachers and students. The student pages contain interactive questions for students ...
This inquiry-based unit of work was created, trialled and peer reviewed as part of a professional learning program in inquiry-based learning for school teachers. The professional learning courses were part of a pilot partnership between the NSW Government’s Sydney Metro transport agency and Western Sydney University.
This unit introduces the big idea that questions can be asked and answered by interpreting data.
This sample multi-age unit explores the big idea 'data helps describe and wonder about the world'.
The focus of this activity is to discover if students can use numbers to describe a pattern created with objects. We want to encourage students to record what they know about the pattern in a table and then use this information to help predict future terms and identify the rule or function for the pattern. By recording ...