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Listed under:  Technologies  >  Information and communication technologies  >  Telecommunications  >  Social media

Heywire: To disconnect or not to disconnect?

How often are you ever truly alone? Today's technology can mean that we're in constant contact with friends and family. In this Heywire audio story, Dayna Duncan shares a time when she both needed to be connected and to balance her use of social media with other priorities in her life.<br /><br /> Could you write or record ...


Digital citizenship

Find out about Digital citizenship. Use this topic from the Digital Technologies Hub to learn more, get ideas about how to teach about it, find out what other schools are doing and use the applications and games in the classroom.


Digital systems

Find out about Digital systems. Use this topic from the Digital Technologies Hub to learn more, get ideas about how to teach about it, find out what other schools are doing and use the applications and games in the classroom.


Systems thinking

Find out about Systems thinking. Use this topic from the Digital Technologies Hub to learn more, get ideas about how to teach about it, find out what other schools are doing and use the applications and games in the classroom.


User interface

Find out about User interface. Use this topic from the Digital Technologies Hub to learn more, get ideas about how to teach about it, find out what other schools are doing and use the applications and games in the classroom.


The Conversation: human rights

This resource contains a series of articles that examine the legal and ethical issues around human rights in Australia and internationally, including recent practical examples. The resource can be used to provide examples of human rights in Australia and the international community, including discussions of its relationship ...


Home energy use

Reducing carbon dioxide emissions and sustainable energy use and are two of the major issues facing the world today. This project explores energy use in homes, and compares individual energy use with the class average and calculate and graph CO2 emissions.


Digital Technologies Hub

The Digital Technologies Hub is a website that supports Australian primary teachers, secondary teachers, students, school leaders and school communities in engaging with the Australian Curriculum: Digital Technologies. The hub provides scaffolded support for teachers and many of the resources will assist those getting started ...


Snapseed - Google Play app

Retouch, adjust perspective and re-edit your photos with this photoediting tool. Free when reviewed 26/5/2015


Protest: The world as it is, the world as it could be

This is a unit of inquiry made up of 12 learning sequences for year 10 in the English for the Australian Curriculum resource. Each learning sequence contains a series of resources, suggested activities to carry out with students and a post-activity reflection. While each learning sequence can be used independently, sequences ...


The Conversation: class in Australia collection

This collection of short articles critically examine the topic of class in Australia, asking whether it exists and examining relationship between class and aspects such as health, where you live, gender, income inequality and others. The articles support student investigations and in-depth studies of issues relevant for ...


Sensory Experience

This is a website about how the treatment and mainstream understanding of deaf and blind people has changed overtime. The resource has three sections: Introductory information; Story Objects; and Story Education Resources. There are 16 Story Objects that tell the stories of individuals, events and artefacts of deaf and ...


Class blog

Students unpack elements of English and Digital Technologies and investigates the concept, purpose and critical features of a good blog.


The Conversation: Algorithm

A series of explanatory articles about how algorithms work, be it applied to chess, the spread of social media, art, conservation, or artificial intelligence. Articles are authored by recognised experts on the topic. Resource can be used to develop a broad understanding of algorithms and their role in everyday life. The ...


TikTok science stories lesson

In this lesson students learn about the diverse roles of science communicators and are challenged to create their own science communication text in a contemporary medium. Students will explore the important function science communicators play in informing the community and how different communication platforms are used ...


Lesson Plan: On ‘Being 13’

Based on a New York Times article about what life is like for teenage girls in the era of social media, this lesson plan generates conversations about the issues raised, including canvassing healthy phone and social media habits.


Australian Curriculum: Digital Technologies key concepts mapping: years 7-8

This PDF uses colour coding to provide a line of sight between key concepts, content descriptions and achievement standards in the Digital Technologies subject in the Australian Curriculum.


Australian Curriculum: Digital Technologies: years 7-8

This PDF provides a line of sight from content descriptions to achievement standards in the Digital Technologies subject in the Australian Curriculum.


Australian Curriculum: Digital Technologies: years 5-6

This PDF provides a line of sight from content descriptions to achievement standards.


Australian Curriculum: Digital Technologies years 5-6 Digital Systems assessment task: Staying fit, healthy and sun-safe: Teacher booklet

This document provides suggestions for using digital systems to encourage fit and healthy activity. It is the second in a series of four resources.