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Listed under:  Economics and business  >  Economy  >  Business cycles  >  Social indicators

Work sample Year 10 Geography: Geographies of human wellbeing

This work sample demonstrates evidence of student learning in relation to aspects of the achievement standards for Year 10 Geography. The primary purpose for the work sample is to demonstrate the standard, so the focus is on what is evident in the sample not how it was created. The sample is an authentic representation ...


Foreign Correspondent: Myanmar - dictatorship to democracy?

Imagine living your whole life under a military dictatorship. The people of Burma (a country also known as Myanmar) have been living this way for about half a century. See how recent government reforms have opened up new freedoms for Burmese citizens and given the international community access to the country once again.


BTN: China's internal migration

For decades China has experienced a mass migration of people from rural to urban areas. This large-scale movement of people is putting pressure on the resources and facilities of cities such as Shanghai. Watch this clip, first broadcast in 1993, to find out the reasons for China's internal migration and the challenges it ...


In My Blood It Runs: Connections to Country

First Nations communities have powerful connections with Country. These connections are reflected in spiritual narratives (sometimes referred to as Dreaming stories), which connect humans, animals, plants and minerals back to the creative spiritual forces who made the lands, seas and skies. Connections to Country form the ...


Data in Gapminder world

This resource is a dataset providing data for a number of indicators of development over time for more than 200 countries. The indicators fall into the following categories: population, health, economy, environment, work, infrastructure, energy and education, with over 500 sets of data in total. Each set of data can be ...


Dollar street

This is an interactive resource about the different standards of living of people at different levels of wealth. It shows a street containing photo-panoramas from households at different income levels in Mozambique, South Africa and Uganda. The user can choose the level of income ranging from $1-2 per day to over $100 per ...


Urbanisation and human wellbeing

This is an online resource looking at Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia, as an example of a megacity. It considers change and growth in Jakarta, reasons for urbanisation and examines some of the problems facing megacities such as inequality of wealth, as well as those specific to Jakarta, particularly its vulnerability ...


Water and human wellbeing

This is an online resource about water availability on Flores, an Indonesian island, highlighting the importance of access to sufficient safe drinking water for the wellbeing of a community. It describes a project carried out by a partnership between AusAID, World Vision and local communities, to provide access to a plentiful ...


Food and human wellbeing

This is an online resource about two contrasting Indonesian islands, Bali and Sumba, highlighting the inequalities that exist within Indonesia. The resource compares the rice and rainforests of Bali with the corn and savannah grasslands of the more remote, and less wealthy Sumba, and examines each in terms of the challenges ...


Interconnections and human wellbeing

This is an online resource exploring the interconnections between Australian consumers and Indonesian cashew farmers, with cashews grown by farmers on Flores, a remote Indonesian Island, eventually sold for a high price in Australia. It looks at the role of World Vision Indonesia in helping farmers to carry out a market ...


Activity: a global crisis?

This is a web resource about the availability of fresh water in Australia and other countries that includes a student activity accompanied by a teacher guide providing background information and a lesson plan. A student worksheet provides activity instructions and a lotus diagram for the students to complete. The activity ...


Life expectancy PowerPoint

This teacher resource is a PowerPoint presentation designed to address common student misunderstandings about life expectancy. It emphasises that life expectancy is an average, that most people live for much longer or shorter than their life expectancy and that, when life expectancy is low, it is mostly because of a very ...


Development and health - teacher resource

This teaching sequence provides activities for students that link to a range of online resources, particularly the BBC website Development and health. It assists teachers to use particular websites and online tools that underpin learning and lines of inquiry. Students develop an understanding of the different dimensions ...