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Listed under:  Science  >  Earth and space  >  Atmosphere  >  Climate  >  Seasons

Dirtgirlworld: Seasons with Dirtgirl!

Do you know how many seasons there are in a year? Watch this video as Dirtgirl explains the seasons in some countries. Did you know that in Australia there is more than one way of describing seasons? Find out what they are.


An eclipse of the Moon

The phases of the Moon and lunar eclipses occur due to the Moon's orbit of Earth, and its position in relation to both the Earth and the Sun. Watch this animation showing a model of the Moon's orbit, its phases and a lunar eclipse. Discover what a total lunar eclipse is and what causes the red colour of a 'blood moon'.


Mixed Up Maths, Ep 3: What's in a year?

You may know of the four seasons. In the southern parts of Australia the year is often divided up into spring, summer, autumn and winter. But what about other parts of Australia? Find out what seasons they have in northern Australia. See how the year is divided into months and shown as a calendar. You'll also see how many ...


Months of the year

How many months are there in a year? What are they? In what month is your birthday? In Australia, depending on where you live, you can have either four seasons or two. Find out how many seasons there are where you live. What are they? In which months do these seasons occur in?


DIY Sun Science - iTunes app

Try some hands on investigations that relate to learning about the Sun. Follow step-by-step procedures, read through explanations to find out why things happened and also view related video clips. Free when reviewed on 12/5/2015.


For the Juniors: Making a rain gauge

How do you feel about the rain? This clip explains why rain is so important to farmers. You will see how to make a rain gauge and use it to measure how much rain falls. Farmers measure rainfall so they know when to do different jobs on their farms.


Ngan'gi seasons calendar

This is a seasonal calendar developed by the Ngan’gi people of the Northern Territory in collaboboration with CSIRO. The resource contains an introduction, a richly illustrated calendar and related links. The introduction includes information about the people’s wish to document traditional knowledge of their Daly River ...


Solar System Quiz

This is a non-threatening ten question multiple choice quiz that gives students feedback on their understanding of our solar system that continues to reveal amazing facts and inspire some out-of-this-world fantasy. Excellent explanations given in the feedback. A useful resource to stimulate discussion or establish student ...


Phases of the moon

Can you name the different phases of the moon? Watch this video and learn about the phases, how long a full lunar cycle is and why the moon looks larger at times.


For the Juniors: How do apiarists farm their bees?

Have you ever wondered what a bee farm looks like? This clip shows how bee farmers (apiarists) look after their bees. Watch the bee hives being opened and see the honey being collected. View the machinery used to collect and bottle the honey.


Why do the stars move across the sky?

If you stand still and look up at the night sky for hours on end, you'll notice that the stars will move across the sky westwards. The truth is, it's not the stars that are moving, it's us! Do you know how the Earth moves in space? What do we orbit?


From Stonehenge to STEREO

Humans have been studying the sun for a long time, possibly because life on Earth is directly influenced by the sun. Why is the sun so vital to life on Earth? Think about what would happen to life on Earth if the sun didn't exist.


For the Juniors: How do you know when rain is coming?

How can you tell when rain is on the way? Some animals seem to know when wet weather is coming. This clip explains some different ways that people can tell it's going to rain.


BTN: The Moon landing

Some say landing on the moon is as one of humanity's greatest achievements. Learn about the history of the moon landing and some of the challenges faced by scientists. See actual footage of the astronauts on the moon as part of the Apollo 11 mission.


For the Juniors: Animals that like wet weather

Imagine a place where it rains most of the time. What sort of creatures might live there? This clip shows a very wet place where the animals need lots of water to survive.


A long history of the Moon

The Moon is a familiar object in the night sky and impacts life on Earth as it orbits our planet. Watch this animation showing how the moon has changed since its formation 4.5 billion years ago. See how the Moon's surface altered over time as volcanoes and asteroids created the basins and craters present on the Moon today.


Selling Climate Change

This learning sequence explores the topic of climate change and the Asia region. Students analyse how information about climate change is conveyed using various persuasive approaches.


My solar system

This is an interactive resource exploring the orbital motion of a system of planets. Using the orbital simulation, students can build their own system of planets and watch the gravitational ballet. They can set initial positions, velocities, and masses of 2, 3, or 4 bodies, and then see them orbit each other. This interactive ...


Cussen Park: Hear and there soundwalk

This resource provides information and teaching and learning activities about Victorian wetlands environments. The resource is designed to accompany students on a visit to Cussen Park and to provide a guide to interacting with its interpretative Soundwalk and signage. The activities also provide general information on the ...


Features of places - Weather

This sequence of 4 learning activities investigates the weather and seasons. Using photos from The State Library of NSW’s collection, students observe, infer, describe and imagine the weather of places and complete activities related to climate.