F-10 Curriculum (V8)
F-10 Curriculum (V9)
Your search returned 19 results
In this animated video, Prime and Poly are offered free shampoo samples when they visit the dog groomer. Can Abacus the cat help to work out how to share the samples equally when more dogs arrive? The mathematical focus is on understanding that multiplication and division problems can be modelled using equal groups, sets ...
Learn a cool trick using the concept of the mean (or average). Pick any 3 x 3 block of dates on a monthly calendar. The number in the middle square is the mean of the nine numbers that form the 3 x 3 square. If you add all the numbers and divide the total by nine (the number of squares), the answer is the number in the ...
Follow these simple calculations to illustrate the special properties of the number 9. Pick your favourite number between 1 and 9 and multiply that number by 3. Add 3 to your answer. Multiply the result by 3. Treat your two-digit answer as two separate numbers and add them together. No matter what number you pick to start ...
Did you know that in Australia we use a metric system for measurement? See if you know the units of measurement for length, mass and volume. Find out what system the United States uses. You guessed it - they don't use the metric system! See how a mix up of these units can cause all kinds of mess ups.
Did you know that the digits on opposite faces of dice will always add up to seven? Use dice as fun tools to reinforce fact families of seven, multiples of seven and subtraction skills.
Reducing carbon dioxide emissions and sustainable energy use and are two of the major issues facing the world today. This project explores energy use in homes, and compares individual energy use with the class average and calculate and graph CO2 emissions.
This series of three lessons explores the relationship between area and perimeter using the context of bumper cars at an amusement park. Students design a rectangular floor plan with the largest possible area with a given perimeter. They then explore the perimeter of a bumper car ride that has a set floor area and investigate ...
Can maths really help to save lives? In this clip we see some real life applications of mathematics. Some are about helping to save lives others are about how maths can be useful. What do Florence Nightingale and WHO, the World Health Organisation have in common?
Amaze your friends with your super mind-reading skills. Here’s a brain game you can play by asking a few questions and substituting letters for numbers! Learn to follow a specific sequence of arithmetical steps to always arrive at the same answer.
This is a 23-page guide for teachers. This module contains a description of suitable models for multiplication, a discussion of the type of problem phrased in words that requires multiplication for its solution, and mental and written strategies for multiplication. The use of the commutative, associative and distributive ...
This is a 27-page guide for teachers. This module introduces addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of polynomials. Factorisation of polynomials and the solution of polynomial equations are also discussed.
Did you know that 6,174 is a very mysterious number? In 1949, the mathematician Dr Kaprekar from India devised a process now known as Kaprekar's operation. First, choose a four-digit number where the digits are all different. Then rearrange the digits to get the largest and smallest numbers these digits can make. Finally, ...
This sequence of lessons focuses on what a binary number is, what a decimal number is, why binary numbers are important in digital systems and how to read and understand a binary number.
How would you measure and compare the weight of something? Learn why big things aren't necessarily heavy. All you need is something heavy and a lot of something light and you’ll be able to prove that weight is not the same as size.
This is a 26-page guide for teachers. This module contains a description of suitable models for division, a discussion of the types of problems that require division for their solution, and mental and written strategies for division.
Use a dividing tool to make equal shares of stationery such as pens, pencils or crayons. Complete a sentence describing a number operation. For example, pack 24 crayons into packets of 5. Predict how many packets are needed and identify how many items are left over.
This is a black-and-white print that depicts the first velocipede (bicycle) race held at the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG) in 1869. The race was contested by three riders, two of whom are shown astride their velocipedes, cycling past two men. The third competitor, who is depicted on the right of the print, rides a three-wheeled ...
This is a 23.4 cm x 38.8 cm sepia-toned photograph of the homemade biplane of one of Australia's first aviators, William Ewart Hart (1885-1943), after its 1911 landing on the Sydney Showground, New South Wales. A crowd has gathered around the aircraft, obscuring Hart from view.
Use a dividing tool to make equal shares of biscuits and toys in a pet shop. For example, share 34 biscuits equally between 6 puppies. Predict how many items each puppy will get, or how many packets can be filled. Check your prediction. Decide what to do with any leftovers. Complete a sentence describing the number operations.