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Listed under:  Society  >  Citizenship  >  Politics  >  Public administration  >  National security  >  Armed forces  >  Military equipment  >  Weapons  >  Nuclear weapons

Foreign Correspondent: Uncovering a chapter of the Holocaust

What happened to the Jewish population of Vienna, Austria's capital, during World War II? Its members were among the estimated six million Jewish victims of the Holocaust. In this clip from 2007, find out about the prolonged campaign of historian Tina Walzer to reclaim Vienna's Jewish heritage. The clip is the first of two.


Foreign Correspondent: Legacy of Nazism in modern Vienna

Why did Nazis in Austria dig up hundreds of human remains from graves in Vienna's Währing Jewish cemetery? Join reporter Mark Corcoran as he visits a Viennese museum to search for the remains of an 18th-century Jewish baroness. He makes some disturbing discoveries there. This clip from 2007 is the second of two.


Journey into Japan: Tragic consequences of Japan's modernisation

Japan went through a remarkable transformation between 1868 and the death of the Emperor Meiji in 1912. But Japan's modernisation was accompanied by its rise as an imperialist power, with tragic results. Watch this clip to learn about the consequences of Japan's dream of empire. This clip is last in a series of six.


Second atomic bombing of Japan at Nagasaki, 1945

This is a black-and-white photograph showing the mushroom cloud rising from the explosion of an atomic bomb with an estimated force of 20,000 tonnes of TNT, 560 m above Nagasaki, Japan, on 9 August 1945. Part of the wing of the camera plane that accompanied the bomb-carrying plane can be seen at bottom right. The image ...