F-10 Curriculum (V8)
F-10 Curriculum (V9)
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Bees are necessary for assisting many plants to produce the food we eat, including meat and milk. Colony collapse disorder, which describes the disappearance of beehives, could have catastrophic effects on food production. Australian scientists are applying their maths and science knowledge to build up a picture of a healthy ...
How long is the Australian coastline? See Dr Derek Muller and Simon Pampena discussing the perimeter of the Australian coastline. Find out how the accuracy of that measurement depends on the length of the 'measuring stick' used. They discuss how a coastline is much like a fractal such as 'Koch's Snowflake'!
What do you do when you need to measure a length, height or distance but don't have a ruler or some other measuring instrument? You can compute linear measurements with surprising accuracy using indirect measurements, proportions and estimations. Learn a nifty trick to measure a tree from a distance.
What are non-standard measurement units? Did you know we can reliably use objects in the real world, including our own body parts, to measure things? This concept of anthropometry, the ratios of body measurements, was first proposed by Leonardo da Vinci.
How do we know what a house will look like before it is built? Discover how house plans work by looking at the design of a house that Hugo's family is going to build. See how a floor plan shows the room layout. See drawings of what the house will look like from different views.
What units of measurements do we use to describe incredibly small things like blood cells and atoms? Watch as you are taken on a journey to explain the different units of measurement that we use to describe the very small.
How many locusts in a plague? Find out just how big the threat of locusts can be and how farmers try to prevent the plagues from getting out of control. This clip provides context for a combination of area, area units and rate problems.
Scientists involved in the Two Bays Project describe data collection methods for their 20-day expedition around Port Phillip and Western Port bays. Watch this clip to view the route mapped out by the scientists. Use Google Maps to recreate the route and calculate the total distance travelled.
Did you know that in Australia we use a metric system for measurement? See if you know the units of measurement for length, mass and volume. Find out what system the United States uses. You guessed it - they don't use the metric system! See how a mix up of these units can cause all kinds of mess ups.
Have you ever had a song or a jingle that got stuck in your head? This can happen because of the rhythm in the song or the jingle. Rhythm helps us to remember a song, jingle or poem by reminding us of other songs, jingles or poems with the same rhythm. Once you get a rhythm stuck in your head it can be very difficult to ...
There is a saying: 'climate is what you expect and weather is what you get'. |Understanding climate change is very difficult for most people, especially when the weather we experience is different from the information we are given by scientists about the climate changing. The difference is that weather reflects short-term ...
In this sequence of two lessons, students investigate how far they can jump and explore the jumping distance of a range of animals. Students first estimate the distance they can jump, then undertake an investigation by jumping using a range of techniques. Class data is recorded and displayed and students compare their jumping ...
This sequence of four lessons explores fractions and statistical reasoning through conducting a series of fair tests to answer the question 'What fraction of a bottle needs to be filled with water to be the best for bottle flipping?'. The lessons focus on building understanding of fractions and collecting, organising and ...
This sequence of two lessons explores how statistical techniques that rely on randomly generated data can be used to solve problems. In the first lesson, students compare different methods for calculating the area of an irregular shape, using the context of oil spill maps. They are introduced to the Monte Carlo method for ...
This sequence of two lessons explores the concept of statistical variation. Students make licorice logs both by hand and by using a Play Doh machine. They record and compare the attributes of both types of licorice by plotting their findings and comparing the shapes of the two plots. Students are then challenged to produce ...
This sequence of three lessons explores the properties of circles, in particular the relationship between the diameter and circumference. In the first lesson, students use a cylinder containing three tennis balls to understand that a circumference is 'three and a bit' times the diameter. They then complete five different ...
This is a unit of work that uses farming to explore the measurement and geometry concepts of grid references, directional language, area and length. It has a teacher directed task that introduces directional language and grid references and two student work tasks. The work tasks involve designing a farm using a grid and ...
This lesson explores the formula for calculating the area of a circle. Students estimate the area of a circle using inscribed and circumscribed squares, and investigate proofs of the area formula. Each lesson is outlined in detail including curriculum links, vocabulary, materials needed, sample answers, supporting PowerPoint ...
This is a website designed for both teachers and students that refers to the properties of circles including the circumference and area from the Australian Curriculum for year 8 students. It contains material on finding circumferences and areas of circles, and the areas and perimeters of shapes formed from circles and other ...
This is a 15-page guide for teachers. In the module the formulas for finding the circumference and area of a circle are introduced. The history and significance of the number pi is also included in this module.