F-10 Curriculum (V8)
F-10 Curriculum (V9)
Your search returned 29 results
How many different ways can you think of to add two numbers to reach ten? Watch this video to learn them all!
Are you interested in becoming a fashion designer? Or an architect? Or a pilot? Did you know that you need maths skills to succeed in all of these careers? Watch this video to learn how fashion designer Cristina uses maths in her work. How does architect Thomas use it? And why is maths important to pilot Paul? Can you think ...
Do you know what a fractal is? Basically, fractals are never-ending patterns created by repeated mathematical equations. In this clip, Yuliya, a student at MIT (in the USA) describes the properties of fractals and shows you where they can be found in technology and nature. Have a good look at the world around you and see ...
Do you know how to recognise a fractal? Watch this video to find out! What are the examples given of fractals found in nature? Can you think of any others? Why not have a go at doing your own drawing of the Sierpinski Triangle?
Join QuanQuan and Jenny as they explore some weird and wonderful shapes! While watching this clip, think about the sides, edges, surfaces and volumes of the shapes that are demonstrated. How are these shapes different from regular 2D and 3D forms?
What are interest rates? What determines the interest rates in Australia? And how do interest rates affect the economy? Listen as Dr Ashton de Silva explains.
Have you ever played a game that required you to roll a dice? Did you know that you have equal chances of rolling any of the six numbers? Can you think of another experiment where you have an equal chance of getting one result or the other?
Even when a maths problem seems simple – for example, the chance of two people sharing a birthday – the maths can run counter to our human intuition. Mathematician Lily Serna poses a maths problem to the Clovelly Bowling Club: how many people do you need to gather to get a 50 per cent chance of any two people in that group ...
What is the "wisdom of a crowd"? Mathematician Lily Serna investigates a mathematical phenomenon that suggests that if you have a large enough crowd, with a broad variety of people making estimates, then the mean (average) answer of the crowd will be accurate! Find out if a crowd can guess the weight of Uluru from the ground ...
Mathematician Lily Serna visits Luna Park to explain a great probability pitfall. She shares a century-old tale from Monte Carlo casino, and then she puts its lesson to the test. If you flip a coin and it lands on heads three times in a row, what result would you predict for the next flip? Find out why intuition might land ...
What are factors? Watch as the jelly babies in this clip show you! What are the factors of 12? How many factors does the number 11 have? Try explaining to a friend what a prime number is.
Is it more fuel efficient to drive or fly between two places? Watch this clip and learn how to calculate the answer. What are the various factors that need to be taken into account? This video was made using the American measurement of gallons per hour, American firgures for the average number of passengers in a car and ...
An abacus is a tool that helps people solve maths problems. Why might some people still use, and encourage the use of, an abacus when there are more contemporary tools like calculators?
How important is zero in place value? How would you write '50' if there was no zero?
This is a multi-pathway interactive resource that enables students to assess and enhance their literacy and numeracy readiness for VET Certificate I and II courses in Tourism and Hospitality. The resource provides a range of online tools and resources that enable teachers and trainers to diagnose student literacy and numeracy ...
The PreVet program is designed for students in the middle years and explores ideas around work culture and the value of literacy and numeracy in working life. It is a vast, multi-layered website providing student and teacher resources promoting job pathways for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island people in remote northern ...
This PDF illustrates how the National Numeracy Learning Progression can be used with Digital Technologies to support student progress in literacy.
This video provides suggestions for ways in which Digital Technologies can be used to develop students' learning in the Literacy and Numeracy Learning Progressions.
In this lesson students explore slalom sports and how competitors maximise speed when completing a course. Students research different slalom sports and then share their findings with the class. Students investigate the impact of distance and friction on time to complete a course through digital and unplugged activities. ...
This video provides an introduction to the ways in which Digital Technologies can be used to develop students' learning in the Numeracy Learning Progression.