F-10 Curriculum (V8)
F-10 Curriculum (V9)
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This work sample demonstrates evidence of student learning in relation to aspects of the achievement standards for Year 8 English. The primary purpose for the work sample is to demonstrate the standard, so the focus is on what is evident in the sample not how it was created. The sample is an authentic representation of ...
Screenwriting is the act of writing what's known as a script or screenplay for film, television and web series. It involves a special set of rules that makes it different from a book or play. This module of Film It covers formatting, scene writing, script structure, themes, and character. Writing the script is part of ...
In this lesson, students are asked to present a poem as a visual illusion. They explore holograms and visual illusions, and then delve into the mechanics of poetry construction by exploring the poetry of Banjo Paterson. They write their own poem or recite a poem and create a hologram illusion of themselves reciting a poem. ...
Through this resource, students will engage with a novel to explore how authors use narrative conventions to represent ideas and shape meaning. As they study the teacher-selected novel, students deepen their understanding of how elements of prose fiction and point of view can be used to influence a reader’s response to ...
This unit focuses on visual literacy and comprehending sequential art narratives such as online games. Multimodal texts, which would commonly be classified as popular culture, will be examined in such a way that their literary value will be revealed and appreciated. The driving question for this unit is How can we transform ...
Using the film Finding Nemo as the starting point, students will describe the director’s approach to characterisation, and evaluate the ways in which characters, setting and the narrative arc work together in this film text.
In this learning sequence, students will extend their knowledge and understanding of the key conventions of the Gothic genre. They will critically apply this knowledge to a short animated film and films produced by their peers. They can also compose a personal response to a film text using metalanguage connected to genre.
These posters are designed to support students in a range of year levels to understand the textual concepts in English. Find posters that define genre, intertextuality, literary value, style, character development, imagery and many others. They have been designed to initiate discussion, challenge thinking, and deepen understanding. ...
This sample learning sequence explores the concept of character as well as the impact of point of view. Students will learn how character, first person point of view, events and setting are combined within the short story form to create a narrative that reflects particular values. Students explore how figurative language, ...
The videos, posters and support information on this set of webpages support students from a range of year levels to understand the textual concepts in English. Find posters and student-friendly videos that define genre, intertextuality, literary value, style, character development, imagery and many others. They have been ...
This 2-3 week program provides Yrs 7-10 (Stages 4-5, NSW DoE) Drama teachers with ideas for students to learn about the dramatic convention of the chorus. Students are then given the opportunity to express their learning through written, oral and performance activities. There are downloadable lesson sequences and associated ...
Students investigate speculative fiction, its evolution and how changes in the genre can reflect changing values. They analyse and discuss the ways that writers of speculative fiction use and manipulate language to convey thematic messages in their texts. Students deepen their understanding of authorial intent and reflect ...
This work sample demonstrates evidence of student learning in relation to aspects of the achievement standards for Year 7 English. The primary purpose for the work sample is to demonstrate the standard, so the focus is on what is evident in the sample not how it was created. The sample is an authentic representation of ...
This work sample demonstrates evidence of student learning in relation to aspects of the achievement standards for Year 9 English. The primary purpose for the work sample is to demonstrate the standard, so the focus is on what is evident in the sample not how it was created. The sample is an authentic representation of ...
Do you know a poem with the line 'I love a sunburnt country'? The poem is 'My country' by Dorothea Mackellar. Find out what inspired Mackellar to write this famous poem and how she felt about teenager Christine Roberts basing a song on it. This is a black-and-white clip from a 1967 current affairs program This Day Tonight.
Imagine if the town or suburb you live in came under threat due to a natural disaster. How would you react? Shelby Garlick from Kerang, Victoria, was a finalist of the 2012 Heywire storytelling competition for young people. Listen to her inspiring story and explore the lessons she learnt as a result of working with her ...
'Last night I dreamt I went to Manderley again.' So begins 'Rebecca' by Daphne du Maurier, the 1938 gothic novel set in the mysterious mansion of Manderley, with all its creepy inhabitants. Learn more about this thrilling novel and the gothic genre in this clip, which is the first in a series of two.
Albert Facey's 'A Fortunate Life' is one of Australia's best-loved autobiographies. Could it be Facey's 'voice' in his writing that touches the hearts of so many readers? Explore this clip to learn more about how the written word can capture the personality of a writer.
What does author Tony Wilson suggest doing to improve your rhyming skills? Why do you think reading might help? Are you familiar with the books and authors Tony mentions? Dame Lynley Dodd is the author of the Hairy Maclary books and Julia Donaldson is another successful author who uses rhyming in her books. Look them up ...
Sally Morgan's autobiography, 'My Place', recounts the experiences of the author, her mother and her grandmother. Why do the panellists in this video think it is such an important book? What issues does it address?