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Listed under:  Mathematics  >  Geometry  >  Dimensions  >  Length

The Milky Way

What do you know about the Milky Way? Did you know that there are hundreds of billions of stars in it? Before you embark on your stargazing expedition, watch this video to learn how you can use just your hands and a compass to locate stars in the sky! What is the unit of measurement used when you're measuring distances ...


Catalyst: Measuring our coastline

How long is the Australian coastline? See Dr Derek Muller and Simon Pampena discussing the perimeter of the Australian coastline. Find out how the accuracy of that measurement depends on the length of the 'measuring stick' used. They discuss how a coastline is much like a fractal such as 'Koch's Snowflake'!


Count Us In, Ep 10: How long is a minute?

Dodly is getting ready for a very special occasion tomorrow. How will he fill in his time? How long does he have to wait? And what is his special occasion? With Dodly, Flynn and the Flying GIrl, investigate different ways of measuring time and discover how to read analogue and digital clocks.


For the Juniors: Drawing a floor plan

How do we know what a house will look like before it is built? Discover how house plans work by looking at the design of a house that Hugo's family is going to build. See how a floor plan shows the room layout. See drawings of what the house will look like from different views.


What skills are important for programming robots?

Listen as David McKinnon from UNSW describes some of the skills that are useful to have if you want to program robots. David explains an activity that exercises problem solving skills. Why don't you try doing it? Look at a map and find some towns that are close to yours. Use the scale on the map to work out the distances ...


Working out the areas

Do you know how to work out the area of a square, a rectangle or a triangle? Learn the simple maths formulas needed from this video. What would be the area of a rectangle with a height of 5cm and a length of 3cm?


Mixed Up Maths, Ep 1: Monumental measurement mess ups

Did you know that in Australia we use a metric system for measurement? See if you know the units of measurement for length, mass and volume. Find out what system the United States uses. You guessed it - they don't use the metric system! See how a mix up of these units can cause all kinds of mess ups.


Count Us In, Ep 15: Which Container Holds More Magic Rocks?

Flynn and Dodly are going on a camping adventure. Watch how they measure the capacity of different containers. Which container will hold the most? 'Dodly the Adventurer' needs a container to put all his precious rocks in. Can you find a container big enough?


Count Us In, Ep 14: How big is the magic bus?

How do we measure how big something is? Flynn and Dodley want to see who has the bigger toy bus. Which bus is taller, wider, longer? Flynn models how to measure his bus using sticks so he can make a garage for his 'magic' bus. The Flying girl and others also do some measuring.


reSolve: Area and Perimeter

This series of three lessons explores the relationship between area and perimeter using the context of bumper cars at an amusement park. Students design a rectangular floor plan with the largest possible area with a given perimeter. They then explore the perimeter of a bumper car ride that has a set floor area and investigate ...


reSolve: Authentic Problems: Target Ball

This sequence of four lessons explores the relationship between an informal unit of measure and what is being measured using the context of designing a game of 'Target Ball'. Students work in groups to collect data on how far their chose ball rolls, using a cut-out foot as an informal unit of measure. They represent and ...


reSolve: Measurement - Jump!

In this sequence of two lessons, students investigate how far they can jump and explore the jumping distance of a range of animals. Students first estimate the distance they can jump, then undertake an investigation by jumping using a range of techniques. Class data is recorded and displayed and students compare their jumping ...


reSolve: Authentic Problems: Bottle Flipping

This sequence of four lessons explores fractions and statistical reasoning through conducting a series of fair tests to answer the question 'What fraction of a bottle needs to be filled with water to be the best for bottle flipping?'. The lessons focus on building understanding of fractions and collecting, organising and ...


reSolve: Algebra - Equivalence

This sequence of two lessons builds students' understanding of equivalence as balance. The equals sign is used to indicate the same value on both sides of an equation. Students develop their understanding of equivalence by looking at balancing scales with blocks of different weights. Each lesson is outlined in detail including ...


reSolve: Woolly Worms

This sequence of two lessons engages students in comparing lengths of pieces of wool: 'woolly worms'. Students use direct comparison to order their collection of worms from shortest to longest. They learn to order their collection of worms using a variety of strategies, to record lengths using informal units, to draw worms ...


reSolve: Statistics - Licorice Lines

This sequence of two lessons explores the concept of statistical variation. Students make licorice logs both by hand and by using a Play Doh machine. They record and compare the attributes of both types of licorice by plotting their findings and comparing the shapes of the two plots. Students are then challenged to produce ...


Farm Diaries

This resource is a 48 page pdf integrated inquiry unit, for junior primary students, exploring farm life and farm produce. Activities are sequenced using the five inquiry model. Topics examined include: how do farm families care for the animals and crops they farm?; how are these animals and crops processed for food or ...


Two days away

Kyle talks about today, tomorrow and yesterday as he waits for the day he is having his friend over.


MathXplosion, Ep 24: Volumes and surface areas

Take two differently shaped containers, for example, a tall, skinny cylinder and a short wide one. Which one will hold more beads? The result may surprise you! It's all about capacity. Two containers with the same surface area can have very different shapes and sizes, so they can have different volumes and hold different ...


MathXplosion, Ep 31: Heavy vs big

How would you measure and compare the weight of something? Learn why big things aren't necessarily heavy. All you need is something heavy and a lot of something light and you’ll be able to prove that weight is not the same as size.