F-10 Curriculum (V8)
F-10 Curriculum (V9)
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is lesson provides a great introduction to the idea of separating mixtures and enables students to consider separation as a process that operates on macroscopic levels. Students also learn about waste management and recycling processes in Australia. The lesson provides students with an opportunity to engage in hands-on ...
Engineers work to solve problems across disciplines by developing technical standards. In this activity, students will design and build a mobile phone to be compatible with a new kind of charger. After designing their phone, they will develop a technical standard describing what is required for a mobile device to be compatible ...
This is a colour photograph of a preserved southern gastric brooding frog ('Rheobatrachus silus'). It is a museum specimen viewed from the front.
This is a colour photograph of a preserved Baw Baw frog ('Philoria frosti'). It is a museum specimen preserved in a transparent container. Museum cataloguing labels are visible.