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Listed under:  Science  >  Life  >  Animal structure and function  >  Body systems  >  Nervous system  >  Sense organs  >  Eyes

BTN: Colour blindness - seeing the world differently

The ability to see colours is an important human trait, but did you know some people's colour vision is impaired. View this clip to discover what it means to be colourblind and how it happens. Find out also about the extraordinary colour vision of the dunnart, and why it is important for this nocturnal marsupial.


How does the retina work?

When electrons in your retina absorb photons of light they don't emit light, they cause a molecule to change shape - and that lets you see colour!


Colours: describing hair and eyes

This collection of interactive and printable resources introduces the words for colours, and the functions to describe people's hair and eyes. It focuses on core questions and answers: 'Come sono i tuoi capelli - i tuoi occhi?', 'Ho i capelli - gli occhi ...' and 'Com'è ...?' Translations, solutions and hints throughout ...


Revision: introductions, descriptions, addresses

This set of interactive and printable resources provides an overview and summary of the vocabulary and language functions to introduce and describe people, including name, surname, age, address, favourite pet and colour. It provides a variety of descriptive texts, including ID cards and presentations. Translations, solutions ...