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Listed under:  Arts  >  Visual arts  >  Digital art

MOVE primary – art in motion

MOVE primary was created to introduce and inspire primary students to the magic and possibilities of video art. Each of these five highly acclaimed young Australian artists, Shaun Galdwell, Jess MacNeil, Joan Ross, Grant Stevens and Daniel von Sturmer, brings different ideas and techniques to work which we hope will succeed ...


Teach and learn with Adobe

This resource is an overview of Adobe tools and services available to DoE teachers and students. It highlights what software can be used for the creation of digital products and explores relevant teaching and learning resources. Links to tutorials for working with the tools are provided, along with ideas about how and when ...


Vivid Sydney – 77 Million Paintings

A series of video interviews with Nick Robertson about Brian Eno's '77 Million Paintings' installation, which was part of an exhibition in Vivid Sydney 2009. The resource includes clips of the installation.


Brushes Redux - iTunes app

Create paintings using editable brushes with a range of brush effects. Includes layers, transparency, and ability to export and import images. Unlimited undo and redo allows you replay your brushstrokes. Images can be saved to camera roll, file sharing, emailed or posted on social media. Free when reviewed 27/5/2015.



This is a free application for the iPad that focuses on creating drawings and sketches using virtual professional-grade tools and brushes, and imaging techniques. It features a full-screen workspace and an 11-icon menu including pan and zoom navigation, a brush editor, colour wheels with HSB and RBG colour space, an eye-dropper ...