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Listed under:  Technologies  >  Design  >  Product testing  >  Desk checking
Listed under:  Arts  >  Design  >  Product testing  >  Desk checking

Computational thinking

Find out about Computational thinking. Use this topic from the Digital Technologies Hub to learn more, get ideas about how to teach about it, find out what other schools are doing and use the applications and games in the classroom.


General-purpose programming

Find out about General-purpose programming. Use this topic from the Digital Technologies Hub to learn more, get ideas about how to teach about it, find out what other schools are doing and use the applications and games in the classroom.


Design thinking

Find out about Design thinking. Use this topic from the Digital Technologies Hub to learn more, get ideas about how to teach about it, find out what other schools are doing and use the applications and games in the classroom.


Game-based learning

Find out about Game-based learning. Use this topic from the Digital Technologies Hub to learn more, get ideas about how to teach about it, find out what other schools are doing and use the applications and games in the classroom.



Find out about robotics. Use this topic from the Digital Technologies Hub to learn more, get ideas about how to teach about it, find out what other schools are doing and use the applications and games in the classroom.



Find out about algorithms. Use this topic from the Digital Technologies Hub to learn more, get ideas about how to teach about it, find out what other schools are doing and use the applications and games in the classroom.


Maker spaces

Find out about Maker spaces. Use this topic from the Digital Technologies Hub to learn more, get ideas about how to teach about it, find out what other schools are doing and use the applications and games in the classroom.


Expert webinar video: Dr Michelle Ellis: Learning resources for using micro:bits

Dr Michelle Ellis gives a demonstration of the Edith Cowan University Makerspace visual and general-purpose programming environment. She also shows a range of materials to support the implementation of the Australian Curriculum: Digital Technologies. This includes teaching resources and lesson plans.


ACARA sample assessment task: years 9-10

This resource provides strategies for assessing students' ability to interpret, process, analyse and represent data using spreadsheets, pivot tables, plotting data and scripting activities. A link to a data set from a koala hospital provides extensive data for students to use. The resource includes maps, graphs and charts, ...


Australian Curriculum: Digital Technologies: years 9-10

This PDF provides a line of sight from content descriptions to achievement standards in the Digital Technologies subject in the Australian Curriculum.


Australian Curriculum: Digital Technologies Years 9-10 Sample Assessment Task: Digital Systems - Activity Guide

The Years 9-10 assessment task focuses on digital systems (integrating Digital Technologies and Science). The digital systems activity guide provides a scaffold to teach about and assess students’ understanding of how digital systems can be used to monitor the school environment. Students learn how to create environmental ...


Australian Curriculum: Digital Technologies key concepts mapping - Years 9 and 10

This PDF uses colour coding to provide a line of sight between key concepts, content descriptions and achievement standards in the Digital Technologies subject in the Australian Curriculum.