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Listed under:  Health  >  Psychology  >  Cognition  >  Thinking  >  Critical thinking

Casino West Public School reflects on learning during the DTiF project

In this audio file teachers from Casino West PS share their experiences in developing a Digital Technologies program in the school, They chose to focus on creative and critical thinking.


Space Exploration: Community of Inquiry

In this resource, students participate in a community of inquiry to consider the implications of human space travel. This process gives students the opportunity to come to a full, shared understanding of the concepts and issues around human space travel.


Industrial design challenge – separating materials lesson

is lesson provides a great introduction to the idea of separating mixtures and enables students to consider separation as a process that operates on macroscopic levels. Students also learn about waste management and recycling processes in Australia. The lesson provides students with an opportunity to engage in hands-on ...


Voskoglou & Buckley review: Problem solving and computational thinking

This article explores the relationship between computational and critical thinking as it applies to solving technological problems. Research evidence derived from classroom experiments strongly suggests that using computers to solve problems enhances students’ abilities in solving real-world problems involving mathematical ...


Banjo Morton: the untold story

In 1949, after many years of being paid only in rations, Banjo Morton and seven other Alyawarra men decided they wanted proper wages for their work as stockmen and station hands at the Lake Nash cattle station in the Northern Territory. They walked off in protest. This rich media site records the history of that protest ...


Sphero slalom lesson

In this lesson students explore slalom sports and how competitors maximise speed when completing a course. Students research different slalom sports and then share their findings with the class. Students investigate the impact of distance and friction on time to complete a course through digital and unplugged activities. ...


Aboriginal change makers

Aboriginal history, self-determination and identity are examined in this teaching and learning eBook. The book draws on the lived experience of First Nations peoples drawing on historical record, cultural protocols and community connections to explore perspectives on traditional culture and leadership in the face of colonisation. ...


Questacon Cyber Castle Challenge

Embark on an exhilarating virtual adventure that will ignite young minds and equip them for the digital frontier. The Questacon Cyber Castle Challenge is a FREE Minecraft: Education game and resources to engage students in cyber security concepts and skills of the future.


Representation in advertising

In this learning sequence students learn about the concept of representation, and that representations are purposefully constructed in genres such as advertising. They explore the codes and conventions of online representations and the ways that gender, age and ethnicities might be represented in the media. Students are ...


What’s your brand?

This resource provides a PowerPoint slide presentation with discussion questions. Students explore how online activities can contribute to their digital brand, they identify strategies for building and maintaining a positive digital brand. Students then identify strategies and support to change a damaged brand.


Analysis of AI applications, drawing on ethical understandings

This lesson plan explores the ethical aspects of artificial intelligence and the implications on our future lives. This lesson was developed by the Digital Technologies Institute in collaboration with the DT Hub.


AI ethics - What's possible, probable and preferred?

The development and ubiquity of Artificial Intelligence raise a number of social and ethical matters that students can explore in the Digital Technologies classroom. This lesson idea outlines a project to help students frame such discussions using the curriculum Key Idea of Creating preferred futures, tying into Critical ...


Seeing through a text

In this learning sequence, students explore how visual texts are constructed to position the reader. They investigate how the codes and conventions of visual forms are used to communicate ideas, issues and experiences. Students respond analytically and creatively to a range of visual texts, exploring and experimenting with ...


Respectful Civil Discourse: Post-Referendum (Years 7 and 8)

This set of resources about civil discourse education uses the Uluru Statement from the Heart and other resources as the basis for students in Years 7 and 8 to discuss the types of debates that occurred during the 2023 referendum for constitutional recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. The focus is ...


Media Representations Resource

This learning resource builds media literacy by examining how and why representations of people, places and ideas are constructed for television. Constructed for use by students, it includes video clips, commentary and discussion questions. The short learning tasks encourage students to critically reflect on their roles ...


English concepts: Visual Representation Posters

These posters are designed to support students in a range of year levels to understand the textual concepts in English. Find posters that define genre, intertextuality, literary value, style, character development, imagery and many others. They have been designed to initiate discussion, challenge thinking, and deepen understanding. ...


Conditions of Trench Warfare

In this activity, students use their visual literacy skills and primary sources to explore and develop an understanding of the conditions of trench warfare. This resource is part of a suite of activities from Queensland Museum focused on trench warfare during the First World War.


Core Concepts in English

The videos, posters and support information on this set of webpages support students from a range of year levels to understand the textual concepts in English. Find posters and student-friendly videos that define genre, intertextuality, literary value, style, character development, imagery and many others. They have been ...


Society and the Cultural World

This lesson supports students to explore some of the ways that Australia Day is marketed and the elements of Australian culture that are used in this process.


Big Ideas: Evolving English and the impact of television

Imagine if the English language never evolved. What would we be speaking? Possibly Old English, the language of the Anglo-Saxon tribes, a language written down using runes known as the 'futhorc'. English continues to evolve, but it takes the media to bring new words into common usage. So which form of media is responsible ...