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Listed under:  Education  >  Learning  >  Learning skills  >  Cooperation

Weather forecast from the stratosphere

This lesson sequence is designed to introduce students to data analysis using a spreadsheet such as MS Excel. The project is based on a real world problem and a real data set from a weather balloon launched in Australia earlier this year. The project consists of 5 lessons of variable length, each with a different focus. ...


Unit for Year 5 to 6 Butterflies: Engaging with nature

This unit of work engages students in preparing butterfly gardens in their schoolgrounds. It explores scientific entomology, features of insects (including butterflies), the contributions that butterflies make to a healthy environments, and the characteristics of butterfly gardens. The unit includes worksheets, assessment ...


Walking on Crushed Glass

This is an illustrated story of a real-life engineering solution designed to recycle glass waste and reuse it as reinforcement for concrete used in footpaths. The book explains the process of innovation to reach a viable solution. It shows the creativity, innovation and collaboration required to provide a solution that ...


Creating a Biology AR poster using Unity

In this lesson, students explore how to design and implement a simple Augmented Reality (AR) world to project DNA model using Unity 3D and Vuforia SDK for Unity 3D.


Agreeing to an ICT agreement

Students work together to brainstorm the dangers, problems and pitfalls in using ICT and online spaces. They collaboratively agree upon a set of protocols and rules for using technology, and develop processes and procedures to follow when using ICT.


Creating a Space AR poster using Unity

In this lesson, students explore how to design and implement a simple Augmented Reality (AR) poster experience using Unity 3D and Vuforia SDK for Unity 3D. This lesson is within the context of a Space-themed example, however, it could be used for other contexts such as Biology, Geography, Art or more.


How can I use tactics to be successful in games? Stage 3

In this unit students test, apply and combine various tactics incorporating movement, space, time, equipment and rules to improve their chance of success in territory games. They perform and refine movement skills and sequences to solve games-based problems. For example, they may combine various movements, body positions ...


On target

In this unit students will demonstrate movement skills through a range of experiences including skill development, tactical play, minor games and major games. Students develop and refine movements and strategies relating to target games. Examples include golf, bocce, boules, darts and indoor carpet or lawn bowls. Emphasis ...


How can I develop a wide range of skills while moving? – Stage 2

In this unit students develop a wide range of skills including running, jumping and throwing using a wide range of activity styles, including an inquiry-based approach. Students make connections to how these skills may transfer to other movement activities including a school-based athletics carnival. They apply this knowledge ...


Years 5–6: Collaborative project

In this scope and sequence unit students use critical thinking to evaluate information online as they conduct research on their digital project, which also gives them opportunity to practise agreed online behaviours and protocols.


Years 7–8: Collaborative data project

This scope and sequence unit provides an opportunity for students to apply the data-analysis skills from the ‘Working with data’ unit in the context of a digital solution designed, developed and evaluated collaboratively.


Years 1–2: Sharing content and collaborating

This sequence and scope unit introduces students to using the basic features of common digital tools to share content and collaborate. Students learn about using appropriate behaviours when working with others and sharing content. They also access school computer systems safely.


Fairytale fun

Use the slide sorter function to arrange a set of presentation slides in correct sequence to retell a fairytale.


Human Anatomy with Virtuali-tee

In this learning activity, students explore human organ systems using Virtuali-tee. This t-shirt provides an Augmented Reality (AR) experience and deeper 360 degrees Virtual Reality (VR) experience to explore human anatomy.


Beeswax wrap project

This project creates opportunities for students to design, create, market and sell a plastic wrap alternative, and to work with a local business or community group that supplies some materials. This lesson was devised by Trudy Ward, Clarendon Vale Primary School, Tasmania.


Work sample Year 9 and 10 Health and Physical Education: Tactics

This work sample demonstrates evidence of student learning in relation to aspects of the achievement standards for Year 9 and 10 Health and Physical Education. The primary purpose for the work sample is to demonstrate the standard, so the focus is on what is evident in the sample not how it was created. The sample is an ...


Work sample Year 5 and 6 Health and Physical Education: Team challenges

This work sample demonstrates evidence of student learning in relation to aspects of the achievement standards for Year 5 and 6 Health and Physical Education. The primary purpose for the work sample is to demonstrate the standard, so the focus is on what is evident in the sample not how it was created. The sample is an ...


Four Corners: Sukarno's collaboration with Japan during WW II, 1966

Imagine that, in order to preserve your freedom, you had to fight alongside your enemy. During World War II, Indonesian nationalists - led by Sukarno - collaborated with Japanese invaders. Richard Oxenburgh's commentary provides a well-argued historical explanation for Sukarno's collaboration with the Japanese in Indonesia.


Catalyst: Penguin wave better than a group hug!

Emperor penguins form a big, tightly packed huddle to keep warm in Antarctica, the coldest and windiest continent on Earth. But how do the ones on the outside of the huddle keep warm? Find out about a clever way of ensuring that no penguin is left out in the cold.


Scientists study suburban microbats

Discover the tiny bats that live in Australian backyards in urban areas, including large cities. Watch this clip to learn more about these elusive Australian mammals, and to find out about a large-scale survey undertaken in Melbourne. Scientist, Dr Rodney van der Ree, addresses a group of volunteers in the field and explains ...