F-10 Curriculum (V8)
F-10 Curriculum (V9)
Your search returned 10 results
How much water does it take to produce a large packet of M&Ms? Watch as the 'water footprint' of some household products is presented and hear the concerns expressed about the methods used to calculate these footprints. Discover how an examination of the water used by the components of some manufactured foods has led to ...
Have you heard of greenhouse gases? What do you think they are? (The word 'greenhouse' is a big clue!) The delicate balance of greenhouse gases has been affected by the addition of an unprecedented amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) to our atmosphere in the last 150 years. Watch this video to find out how CO2 is being added ...
View vineyards of the Yarra Valley region of Victoria in a news clip from 2006 and discover a warming climate's consequences for the region's wine-grape growers. This clip examines some of the ways these growers can adapt to climate change. An environmentalist also gives views on climate change and issues politicians with ...
Journey through geological time and discover changes on Earth from the Hadean time, more than 4.5 billion years ago, through to today. Find out about plate tectonics, continental movement, atmospheric conditions, life on Earth, extinction events, fossil sites and much more. Contains many features which include allowing ...
This is a collection of articles about climate science. It includes articles about modelling, explanations about heat trends, predictions about sea level rise, and why the science about climate change is clear. The articles are written in plain language and are authored by experts from universities in Australia and around ...
Find out how carbon emissions from power generation can be reduced. This is a PowerPoint presentation that deals with the contribution carbon capture and storage can make towards reducing greenhouse gas emissions. It explains the carbon cycle and the greenhouse effect. Techniques of carbon capture are described and their ...
This is a teaching-learning resource containing teaching strategies and a student activity about the carbon cycle and how carbon in the atmosphere is connected to living things. The resource has six tabs, five of which are relevant. The first tab provides information about the carbon cycle and the second provides an activity ...
This is a resource about ocean energy that includes sections on Tidal energy, Wave energy, Ocean thermal energy, World ocean energy market, and Australia's ocean energy resources. Links on the right-hand side of the resource provide additional related resources including publications and websites. The resource is part of ...
Climate change was once just part of the science domain, but today it is a political juggernaut! This unit explores the science of climate change as a scientific concept and a political issue. The unit includes PDF resources and video quiz challenges for teachers and student and the library section provides extra resources ...