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Listed under:  Mathematics  >  Geometry  >  Angles  >  Acute angles

Right angle or acute angle?

What's the difference between a right angle and an acute angle? Find out!


TIMES Module 9: Measurement and Geometry: introduction to plane geometry - teacher guide

This is a 16-page guide for teachers. It provides an introduction to the initial ideas of plane geometry. Points and lines are introduced as fundamental objects in the study of geometry. Angles and parallelism are the initial areas of attention in a more formal approach to geometry that occurs from year 7.


Angles: chalk designs: Part 2

In this lesson, students create their own chalk designs in the style of a stained-glass window that includes different types of angles. This is the second lesson in a series of two lessons.


Angles: types of angles: Part 1

In this lesson, students explore ways to compare angles and recognise the names of different types of angles, including right, acute, obtuse, straight, reflex and revolution. This is the first in a series of two lessons.