F-10 Curriculum (V8)
F-10 Curriculum (V9)
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This tutorial provides detailed instructions to support the learning of Python, a general purpose programming language. The tutorial is designed for educators who are learning to use Python.
This tutorial shows ways in which environmental factors such as lighting and temperature can be measured and improved using micro:bits and sensor boards, and programmed using pseudocode, visual programming and general-purpose programming.
This PDF presents content descriptions and achievement standards for the Digital Technologies subject in the Australian Curriculum
This tutorial provides step-by-step instructions to support the learning of Scratch, a visual programming language. The tutorial is designed for educators who would like to learn how to use Scratch.
This PDF uses colour coding to provide a line of sight between key concepts, content descriptions and achievement standards in the Digital Technologies subject in the Australian Curriculum.
Digital Technologies in Focus curriculum officers discuss a lesson about Artificial Intelligence and curriculum links for teachers
Martin Richards manages the Digital Technologies Hub. He discusses the relationship between artificial intelligence and the Australian Curriculum: Digital Technologies. Martin also shows some useful resources for teachers.
Mossman State School is a government school located in Mossman, Queensland, on the Traditional Lands of the Kuku Yalanji Peoples. Beth Claydon is the curriculum officer who works directly with the school to support the implementation of the Australian Curriculum: Digital Technologies. Teachers at the school have chosen ...
This video explains the progress that St Mary's Primary School, Moruya, has made in the Digital Technologies in Focus project. It is the second in a series of four.
This report provides details of St Mary's Primary School's participation in the Digital Technologies in Focus project, including a Research question, criteria for success, data collection, resources, challenges, milestones and next steps.
This podcast includes information about the aims, challenges, insights and accomplishments of Wodonga South Primary School's participation in the Digital Technologies in Focus project.
This resource provides strategies for assessing students' ability to interpret, process, analyse and represent data using spreadsheets, pivot tables, plotting data and scripting activities. A link to a data set from a koala hospital provides extensive data for students to use. The resource includes maps, graphs and charts, ...
This comprises a collection of sample activities that incorporate visual programming (Scratch) into teaching and learning programs. They show the possibilities Scratch offers for integration. The projects are incomplete and are designed to be used as samples for inspiration or modification by teachers.
This PDF provides instructions for students to create an interactive poster using a Makey Makey and the visual programming language Scratch. A Makey Makey is an electronic circuit board, which, when connected to a computer, allows everyday objects to function as keyboards.
This is an illustrated story retelling the real-life engineering decisions made to provide water to a Queensland town when its dam, the only source of water, ran dry. It shows the creativity, innovation and collaboration required to provide a solution that delivers a sustainable water supply. The downloadable PDF includes ...
This is an illustrated narrative describing the engineering decisions made to create wildlife corridors for safe passage for Australian fauna to protect them and the stormwater networks they had been traveling through. It shows the creativity, innovation and collaboration required, and focuses on the value being an engineer ...
This report provides details of Mossman State School's participation in the Digital Technologies in Focus project, including a Research question, criteria for success, data collection, resources, challenges, milestones and next steps.
Bethany Christian School is an independent school just north of Adelaide located in Paralowie, South Australia on the Traditional Lands of the Kaurna People. It is an F-6 school, with 543 students, and of those, approximately 48% are EAL/D. Steve Grant is the curriculum officer who works with the school to support implementation ...
This document presents the milestones in Bethany Christian School's participation in the Digital Technologies in Focus project.
St Mary’s Primary School, Moruya, is a small school on the south coast of New South Wales on the Traditional Lands of the Yuin Peoples. Established in 1847, it has about 250 students enrolled, 15 per cent of whom identify as Aboriginal and or Torres Strait Islander. Kim Vernon is the curriculum officer who works with the ...