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Listed under:  Arts  >  Dance

Dancing The Torres Strait winds to Life: Zey

Torres Strait Islander choreographer Elma Kris created the dance 'About' as an expression of the effects of the winds (Gub) on the land, sea and community. The four seasons in the Torres Strait Islands relate directly to the type and direction of the winds. Kris has explored the effects of the Zey (pronounced Zay) - cool ...


Dancing life into traditional objects: 'Artefact'

'Weaving' is a segment from a longer dance piece called 'Artefact', a richly spiritual work about breathing life back into objects from ancient times. Choreographer Frances Rings is a descendant of the Kokatha people of South Australia. The 'Weaving' segment was inspired by the traditional knowledge and practices of the ...


Kindred spirits: dancing our identity

Who are we and where do we belong? What and who decides our identity? People often ask these questions, and some may seek to discover the answers to them. In his dance piece entitled 'ID', choreographer Stephen Page explores what makes us similar, what makes us different and what gives us a sense of belonging. The clip ...


Dancing the Torres Strait winds to life: Kuki

Inspired by the natural environment, Torres Strait Islander choreographer Elma Kris created the dance 'About' as an expression of the effects that the winds (Gub) have on the land, sea and community. This clip shows the segment 'Kuki' (pronounced Cook-ee), which is inspired by the strong north-west winds that blow between ...


The Nutcracker: primary and secondary school resources

The Australian Ballet's EduHub provides a range of resources about ballet including information on their productions. In this re-imagining of Tchaikovsky's the Nutcracker, the story of Clara is transported to 1950s Australia where the once famous Russian ballerina is reflecting on her past life and its triumphs and travails ...


Storytelling through dance

Students will learn about how visual images can inspire dance and using expressive qualities to communicate these ideas. Students will also have the opportunity to reflect on their own work.


Kitchen gardens – sustainability action process (Years 3–6)

This resource guides students through an extended school-based or local investigation focussed on kitchen gardens using the five-step sustainability action process. The resource supports the investigation of a real-world issue or problem. Students develop and implement a chosen sustainability action and then evaluate and ...


Australian Ballet: primary school resources

The Australian Ballet's EduHub provides a range of resources about ballet including information on past and present productions. This web page provides short synopses of the stories behind four classic ballets from past and present Australian Ballet seasons. The ballets include: Cinderella, COPPÉLIA, Swan Lake, and The ...


Disco dancing

Explore the elements of dance to develop locomotor and non-locomotor movement skills, disco style shapes and expressive qualities.


TrackSAFE Education Primary School Resources: Year 5, Year 6 The Arts

This unit uses dance, drama, visual arts and music to communicate student-created safety messages. Using a community-based scenario, students devise an improvised drama and choreograph a dance to highlight the importance of safe track-side behaviours; they use artworks to explore the effect of colour before creating a cartoon-based ...


Kentaro!! Contemporary Japanese dance

This is a review of a 2012 dance performance titled 'Kentaro!! brings contemporary Japanese dance and choreography to Mumbai'. Kentaro!! is a contemporary Japanese dancer. The review articulates the dancer's style as a combination of street and hip-hop with a mix of dance, mime and movement. The resource also includes a ...


Ninjas rocking and violin-infused rap at 'Hip hop kung fu'

This is a review of a 2011 dance performance titled 'Hip hop kung fu'. There is a short film clip of highlights from the performance and a longer video of the full performance. The review describes the successful dance components, the musical innovations and commends individual performances. The writer applauds the directors, ...


Rachel Cooper on Indonesia's Envelope-Pushing Dance Troupe

This is a web page featuring an interview with Rachel Cooper about Indonesian dance troupe Nan Jombang and their 2010 US showcase. The article is titled 'An interview with Rachel Cooper: Indonesia's envelope-pushing dance troupe' and includes a photograph and a nine-minute video of one of the performances. Cooper explains ...


Bollywood time!

Learn movement sequences with a Bollywood influence.



Learn an upbeat hip hop routine from the 2019 Schools Spectacular. Explore dance technique in the performance of a specific dance style and utilise a variety of spatial, temporal and dynamic features in a dance.


Firebird forensics

Discover more about dance by using stimulus as a starting point for dance composition and explore the elements of dance to communicate the idea of a Firebird.


Musical theatre – dance

Explore dance in musical theatre, including dance technique and the elements of dance as influenced by performance and theatrical style.


In class with the Mark Morris Dance Group

Explore contemporary training techniques used by the Mark Morris Dance Group. Learn about the correct body alignment and placement while executing movement and the performance of dance movement with an awareness of self. Also learn repertoire from the company.


Let's Fosse!

Let’s Fosse is a jazz dance tutorial that is designed for students in Stage 4 and 5 dance. Students will develop knowledge, skills and understanding of the Fosse dance style.


Are you supercali – coordinated?

A dance challenge to learn and perform the fun choreography to Mary Poppins’ supercalifragilisticexpialidocious and then see if others you know can also learn and perform it.