F-10 Curriculum (V8)
F-10 Curriculum (V9)
Your search returned 24 results
Long lines of cars, frustrated drivers in peak traffic: familiar? As the population of Australia's major cities continues to rise and spread outwards, increased strain is placed on existing infrastructure such as roads. People often look to government to fix urban problems. Could a light rail system solve Sydney's western ...
It's been 'all systems go' in the Northern Territory, with a range of new development projects springing up. In this clip from 2013, see Territorians coming up with novel solutions to the age-old problem of housing. Could a shortage of affordable housing derail the good economic times?
Central Park in Sydney was voted the world's best tall building. It is known for the plants in its beautiful vertical gardens which cover its surfaces, but did you know that the garden is not purely decorative? Watch this video to find out what other purpose the vertical garden has.
Population growth is one of the problems facing Australians cities. Dr Julian Bolleter from the Urban Design Research Centre at the University of Western Australia says creating mega-regions could be a potential solution. What is a mega-region? In order to create a mega-region, what must happen first?
This topic-based collection of primary source material provides a rich and varied source of official documents, guides and background information on the civic history of Canberra and the Australian Capital Territory. Produced monthly, this eclectic collection covers topics including the history of monuments, architecture, ...
This is a multilayered resource that presents the 12 design principles of the Urban design protocol for Australian cities. The principles are presented in three sections and link to important information about the attributes of each of the principles. The principles about place are enhancing, connected, diverse and enduring ...
This is a rich resource about the Urban design protocol for Australian cities. The resource describes the protocol, including the aims, the five pillars on which it is founded, and how the protocol relates to the National urban policy goals and objectives of productivity, sustainability, liveability and governance. The ...
Iconic but sterile. Nationally significant yet isolated. The city of Canberra regularly seems to divide opinion. Watch this clip and take an intriguing look at life in Canberra at the start of the 1970s. As you'll see, arguments about the liveability of Canberra are nothing new.
Could your mobile phone help town planners design better cities? Data collected from our day-to-day interactions can now be collated and used to make our cities both more efficient and better places to live. See how it all works.
Sydney is already Australia's largest city but the outlook is for an increasing population and continuous growth. Looking toward the planning horizon of 2031, a recent government plan has pleased some sections of the community, but it is not without its critics. In this clip from March 2013, see how the state government ...
This is an interactive streetscape of nine houses, each from a different era and of different styles. They represent the nine main housing styles in Victoria. Information about each of the houses includes: features and style; the Architect; designers; historical observations; house owners; and general social history of ...
This is a rich, interactive resource that lists Victoria’s most significant heritage: places, objects, shipwrecks and archaeological sites. It has four main sections: Introduction; Explore heritage map; Recommended tours; and Timeline browser. The Explore heritage map searches for sites and provides information and images ...
A page with a focus on using geographical data to plan for future community needs, with supporting activities and links to resources.
This is a unit of work about disability rights, accessibility and liveability. It explores: liveable communities for diverse groups of people; assessing liveability of a local places for people with disabilities; disability rights and accessibility; and accessible transport services. The resource includes: an introduction; ...
This resource embeds the use of online collaboration tools and 21st century learning skills in a student-centered hands-on project designed to welcome refugees into their community. The syllabus outcomes are aligned to NSW Stage 4 English, Geography or Visual Arts but this could be used with older or younger students by ...
This is a multilayered resource about urban design in Australia. The resource includes: an explanation of what urban design is; the elements of urban design; definitions of terms commonly used in urban design in the Australian context; links to information about the principles of the Urban design protocol for Australian ...
This is a rich, multilayered resource that presents six case studies demonstrating the 12 principles of the Urban design protocol designed for Australian cities. The case studies include: a mixed use precinct in Darling Harbour; regeneration plans for Parramatta; reservoir gardens in Paddington; a youth activities area ...
Stunning beaches and tourist-filled coastal towns are some of Australia's most important assets. But how do seasonal fluctuations in population affect these coastal communities? This clip focuses on a new push by the National Sea Change Taskforce to have visitor numbers properly counted in the next census, so that development ...
Like many Australian cities, Melbourne has been growing rapidly. This clip from 2012 investigates debates about where Melbourne's urban growth should occur. While inner city areas are slowly being redeveloped, the outer suburbs continue to sprawl and their residents battle some serious issues.
This is a collection of resources exploring Victoria’s history and heritage. There are four main sections. The Victoria's Framework of Historical Themes section includes a downloadable teacher guide and lesson starters, it is organised in historical themes. The Vic-Heritage App section provides search functionality to find ...