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Listed under:  Arts  >  Artistic purpose  >  Art themes

Join the circus

Learn about different circus skills and create a short performance.


Can you clap the cymbal part from Carmen?

Get your clapping hands ready and join the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra as they play some music from the opera Carmen, by composer Bizet. Follow along with host Paul Rissmann and see if you can keep up with the orchestra! How does this piece of music make you feel? Why do you think it has that effect?


Sidney Nolan: 'Kiata', c1943

This resource includes an enlargeable image of the painting 'Kiata' by Sidney Nolan and catalogue information about the painting. There is also a video with audio commentary and corresponding onscreen text that provides an interpretation of the painting, and information about the artist's views. The painting represents ...


Carol Rudyard: 'Northern theme', 1973

This resource includes an enlargeable image of the painting 'Northern theme' by Carol Rudyard and catalogue information about the painting. There is also a video with audio commentary and corresponding onscreen text that provides an interpretation of the painting and information about the artist's views. The painting references ...


Hans Heysen: 'The saplings', 1904

This resource includes an enlargeable image of the painting 'The saplings' by Hans Heysen and catalogue information about the painting. There is also a video with audio commentary and corresponding onscreen text that provides an interpretation of the painting and information about the artist's views. The painting pays homage ...


Sidney Nolan: 'Ned Kelly', 1946

This web page focuses on Sidney Nolan's famous Ned Kelly series of paintings held by the National Gallery of Australia including links to a gallery of enlargeable images, a primary education resource and a lesson plan with interactive resource for Years 5 and 6. The webpage also includes a video with audio commentary about ...


BTN: A journey into world music

From Japanese drumming to African choirs, there is a wide world of music to be enjoyed beyond mainstream pop music in Australia. Music from one culture will often sound very different to music from another, using varied musical styles and instruments. Come along on a musical journey and explore the increasingly popular ...


BTN: Tiwi music: Keeping an ancient culture alive

Discover how music and dance are helping to keep the traditions of the Tiwi people alive. The customs and stories of the Tiwi people have been passed on to new generations through storytelling, song and dance. Many of the remaining languages of Australia's ancient Indigenous cultures are being lost. Today there is a race ...


Creating art and meaning from waste

Welcome to Marina DeBris's exhibition, "Beach Couture: A Haute Mess". How would you describe Marina's art? What are the ideas she communicates through her artworks? How do the processes, materials and techniques Marina works with contribute to the creation of meaning in her art? Do you agree with Marina's belief that art ...


Margaret Preston: 'Flying over the Shoalhaven', 1942

This resource includes an enlargeable image of the painting 'Flying over Shoalhaven River' by Margaret Preston and catalogue information about the painting. There is also a video with audio commentary and corresponding onscreen text that provides an interpretation of the painting and information about the artist's views. ...