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WS01 - Clap the characters

Languages, Japanese, Foundation

By the end of the Foundation year, students use play and imagination to interact and create Japanese texts, with support. They identify that Japanese and English look and sound different. They recognise that there are languages and cultures as well as their own, and that aspects of language and culture contribute to their own and others’ cultural identity.

Foundation Japanese


with support, recognise and communicate meaning in Japanese


These annotations are interactive and link to a specific timestamp in the video. x

Participate in guided activity with teacher and peers.

16 28 1 40
Show understanding of number of each character in words by clapping each syllable.
29 39 1 40

Imitate Japanese word pronunciation.

40 73 1 40

(gentle music)


[Teacher] So this is a prep class 


and we're learning some

[unknown] words in Japanese. 


We're learning about animals.


So we're going to clap how 

many characters there are


in each of these words.


[Teacher] 「い・ぬ」


[Students] い・ぬ


[Teacher] 「ひ・つ・じ」


[Students] ひ・つ・じ


[Teacher] 「ね・こ」


[Students] ね・こ


[Teacher] 「か・え・る」


[Students] か・え・る


[Teacher] 「さ・る」


[Students] さ・る


[Teacher] 「ね・ず・み」


[Students] ね・ず・み


[Teacher] 「う・ま」


[Students] う・ま


[Teacher] 「に・わ・と・り」


[Students] に・わ・と・り


[Teacher] 「ぶ・た」


[Students] ぶ・た


[Teacher] 「う・し」


[Students] う・し


[Teacher] 「あ・ひ・る」


[Students] あ・ひ・る


[Teacher] 「ぞ・う」


[Students] ぞ・う


[Teacher] 良くできました。


(bright music)