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WS01 - Picture book

English, Year 7

By the end of Year 7, students interact with others, and listen to and create spoken and/or multimodal texts including literary texts. With different purposes and for audiences, they discuss, express and expand ideas with evidence. They adopt text structures to organise, develop and link ideas. They adopt language features including literary devices, and/or multimodal features and features of voice.


They read, view and comprehend texts created to inform, influence and/or engage audiences. They identify how ideas are portrayed and how texts are influenced by contexts. They identify the aesthetic qualities of texts. They identify how text structures, language features including literary devices and visual features shape meaning.


They create written and/or multimodal texts, including literary texts, for different purposes and audiences, expressing and expanding on ideas with evidence. They adopt text structures to organise, develop and link ideas. They adopt language features including literary devices, and/or multimodal features.

Language | Language for interacting with others


recognise language used to evaluate texts including visual and multimodal texts, and how evaluations of a text can be substantiated by reference to the text and other sources

Language | Text structure and organisation


identify and describe how texts are structured differently depending on their purpose and how language features vary in texts

Language | Text structure and organisation


understand that the cohesion of texts relies on devices that signal structure and guide readers, such as overviews and initial and concluding paragraphs

Language | Language for expressing and developing ideas


understand how complex and compound-complex sentences can be used to elaborate, extend and explain ideas

Language | Language for expressing and developing ideas


understand how consistency of tense through verbs and verb groups achieves clarity in sentences

Language | Language for expressing and developing ideas


analyse how techniques such as vectors, angle and/or social distance in visual texts can be used to create a perspective

Language | Language for expressing and developing ideas


investigate the role of vocabulary in building specialist and technical knowledge, including terms that have both everyday and technical meanings

Language | Language for expressing and developing ideas


understand the use of punctuation including colons and brackets to support meaning

Literature | Engaging with and responding to literature


form an opinion about characters, settings and events in texts, identifying areas of agreement and difference with others’ opinions and justifying a response

Literature | Engaging with and responding to literature


explain the ways that literary devices and language features such as dialogue, and images are used to create character, and to influence emotions and opinions in different types of texts

Literature | Engaging with and responding to literature


discuss the aesthetic and social value of literary texts using relevant and appropriate metalanguage

Literature | Examining literature


discuss the aesthetic and social value of literary texts using relevant and appropriate metalanguage

Literature | Examining literature


identify and explain how literary devices create layers of meaning in texts including poetry

Literature | Creating literature


create and edit literary texts that experiment with language features and literary devices encountered in texts

Literacy | Texts in context


explain the effect of current technology on reading, creating and responding to texts including media texts

Literacy | Analysing, interpreting and evaluating


analyse the ways in which language features shape meaning and vary according to audience and purpose

Literacy | Analysing, interpreting and evaluating


explain the structure of ideas such as the use of taxonomies, cause and effect, extended metaphors and chronology

Literacy | Creating texts


plan, create, edit and publish written and multimodal texts, selecting subject matter, and using text structures, language features, literary devices and visual features as appropriate to convey information, ideas and opinions in ways that may be imaginative, reflective, informative, persuasive and/or analytical

Literacy | Word knowledge


understand how to use spelling rules and word origins; for example, Greek and Latin roots, base words, suffixes, prefixes and spelling patterns to learn new words and how to spell them



1. Complements the title with the salient image of a piano, establishing the multimodality of the text.

2. Chooses adjectives (“little”, “quick”) and verbs (“jump”, “climb”) to develop characterisation.

3. Draws an image of the girl peering through a hole, with her eye magnified, to support the written words “I lay on my stomach in front of the darkness”. 


4. Uses a simile (“like a ninja”) to further build a sense of the character. 

5. Structures a paragraph that links the action on the previous page to action that will occur in the coming pages.  

6. Reflects the written text (“I secured my safari hat”) in the image.


7. Selects verbs that reflect the adventure the 2 characters experience in this part of the narrative (“gambolled”, “flying”). 

8. Uses an effective metaphor (“empty desert of the house”).

9. Uses elements in the image (the colour blue and the snorkel the girl is wearing) to support the metaphor “the partygoer ocean of the hall”. 

10. Uses short sentences to build suspense (“The cockroaches were waiting for us. They had heard us coming.”).

11. Uses a simile (“like a knight in shining armour”). 



12. Chooses an onomatopoeic word and an exclamation mark to build atmosphere (“CRUNCH!”).

13. Brings the narrative to a neat conclusion. 

14. Analyses language features used in the text and the effect they are intended to have on an audience.