Learning objects Viking quest

TLF ID M011210

This interactive game is about a raid by Vikings to gain the treasures of the monastery of Lindisfarne in Scotland. The game consists of a series of choices each player has to make at each stage of the raid. These include selecting a site to build a boat to sail to Lindisfarne, deciding on the size of the boat, and choosing the crew, sea route and a landing point. Each decision brings consequences either good or bad for the journey. The winner is the person who gains the most points. Sound is included in the game.

Educational details

Educational value
  • This interactive resource is useful for the Australian Curriculum: History year 8 study of the Vikings. Students learn about the many different decisions that the Vikings had to make in order to undertake the dangerous sea journey and attack the monastery of Lindisfarne.
  • Students learn about the importance of a variety of skilled artisans to the success of Viking raids. These included sail-makers to repair the sails after storms at sea, carpenters to rebuild the boat if it was damaged against rocks, and navigators to guide the boat in the right direction.
  • The resource is useful in illustrating the five stages in the construction of a Viking boat, reflecting the level of technology required to build it. It details the process of: laying the keel; building up the sides of the boat; adding strength with the inner ribs and cross-beams; positioning the mast-step and oar-holes; making the sails; and adding a carved wooden figurehead.
Year level


Learning area
  • History

Other details

  • Copyright Holder
  • Name: British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
  • Organization: British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
  • URL: http://www.bbc.co.uk
  • Publisher
  • Name: British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
  • Organization: British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
  • Description: Publisher
  • URL: http://www.bbc.co.uk
  • Resource metadata contributed by
  • Name: Education Services Australia Ltd
  • Organisation: Education Services Australia Ltd
  • Address: AUSTRALIA
  • URL: www.esa.edu.au
Access profile
  • Generic
Learning Resource Type
  • Interactive
  • Resource: BBC © 2012, except where indicated otherwise. You may download, copy and communicate this material for free, and use it in digital and hardcopy format for non-commercial educational use in Australian schools and TAFE institutions, provided you retain all acknowledgements associated with the material. 'Interactive' image: © Education Services Australia Limited 2012. You may copy, communicate and adapt this image for non-commercial educational purposes provided you retain all acknowledgements associated with the image.