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Connecting fractions, decimals and percentages

This is a website designed for both teachers and students that addresses the connections between fractions, decimals and percentages from the Australian Curriculum for year 6 students. It contains material on the relationship between fractions, decimals and percentages and helps students understand that although there are ...


Percentage discounts

This is a website designed for both teachers and students that refers to making connections between percentages, decimals and fractions, as well as calculating percentages and percentage discounts from the Australian Curriculum for year 6 students. It contains material on calculating percentages of an amount and calculating ...


CanUHanyu: play and practise Chinese

CanUHanyu is a suite of interactive games based on a dictionary of 1500 Chinese words and expressions. Two game speeds encourage speed recognition of characters as well as accuracy. Users can choose to play one of the six levels with up to three topics from a list of topics that include 'My study set' and 'Recently incorrect'. ...


The water cycle for kids

This interactive resource is a pictorial water-cycle diagram accompanied by an explanation. The resource shows an illustration of a landscape with stylised water drops representing changes of state such as precipitation and evaporation. The visual style is designed to be engaging to children. Simplified versions of the ...


Ordering Decimals

An animated tutorial about ordering numbers with up to 3 decimal places. An interactive quiz is included.


experiMENTALS: Trumpet straw

This resource contains a materials and instruction list and brief explanation for students about the process of making a straw that can produce vibrations when blown through.


Whole numbers with all four operations

This is a website designed for both teachers and students that addresses whole numbers with the four operations from the Australian Curriculum for year 6 students. It contains material on the strategies and algorithms used when adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing whole numbers. There are pages for both teachers ...


Science Talk 2008

An online resource with interviews and master classes with many of Australia's prominent scientists. Interviews with eight scientists in areas of astronomy, marine biology, bio-chemistry related to medical research, chemistry related to materials science, astro-imaging, palaeontology, climate change science and psychology ...



This is a website designed for both teachers and students that addresses components of the arithmetic of fractions. It is particularly relevant for comparison and addition and subtraction of fractions with related denominators. It also contains material on finding a fraction of a quantity where the result is a whole number. ...


Syllabus bites: Electricity

This resource is designed to support science teachers in addressing concepts in electricity in the BOS NSW Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum in Science - Stage 3. Making decisions about the use of electricity is approached from an understanding of circuits, sources and sustainability.


Sites2See: The Apology to Australia's Indigenous Peoples

This resource links to video coverage and key websites related to the apology to Indigenous Australians by the Prime Minister Kevin Rudd on 13 February 2008. Selected sites provide background information to the apology and personal stories about what happened to members of the Stolen Generations, with a focus on reconciliation.


Gold – shaping our identity

This is a task-based resource for students to explore the social, economic, political and environmental impact of the gold rush in Australia in the 1850s. The resource includes videos, SMART notebooks, worksheets and links to further interactive resources. It includes support notes for teachers and/or supervisors in distance ...



This is a website designed for teachers and students in year 5, and addresses components of the working with decimals topic. It is particularly relevant for comparison, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division with decimals. There are pages for both teachers and students. The student pages contain interactive ...


Aim to sustain: Get the message

This resource is a subset of the larger resource, Aim to Sustain. As such it includes the culminating activity in which students study and make artworks that communicate an environmental message about single use and disposable plastics. The resource includes links to video, a slideshow, worksheets and links to further interactive ...


Sites2See: Surf safety

A webpage about surfing safety, dangerous waves and rips, and the history and science of surfing. A 'For Kids' section provides games and quizzes for young swimmers and surfers.


Sites2See: Volcanoes

Links to resources outlining some famous volcanic eruptions and explaining the types and causes of volcanic activity.


experiMENTALS: Straw propeller

This resource contains a materials and instruction list and brief explanation for students about the process of creating a propeller using two bendy straws and a pair of scissors. A simple demonstration of one of Newton's Laws.



This resource is for Stage 3, Stage 4 and Stage 5 and introduces the purpose and features of cartoons. It includes information slides showing examples of different types of cartoons and interactive questions to test students' understanding of the content covered.


Catchment Detox

Students play the game and make decisions about the development of a catchment with competing economic and environmental demands. Students receive feedback on how sustainably their catchment has been managed.


Area of a triangle

This is a Geogebra activity used to teach the area of a triangle. Suitable for use with an interactive whiteboard (IWB).