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Anti-bullying AI

Sometimes we write and post things on social media in a hurry. Such posts can hurt people and even make them feel bullied. Wouldn't it be great if an Artificial Intelligence application could check our posts as we write them, and warn us if they were potentially hurtful?


Note the music

We can program a computer to play music. Conventionally this is done by hard coding, which is the process of coding all possible expected behaviours. Alternatively, we can train an artificial intelligence (AI) computer about what notes go well with others, so it can play a duet with a human musician. Students can make their ...


Data bias in AI

Artificial intelligence can sometimes be biased to certain shapes or colours. When such AI systems are applied to situations that involve people, then this bias can manifest itself as bias against skin colour or gender. This lesson explores bias in AI, where it comes from and what can be done to prevent it.


Home automation with AI

Home automation is all the rage. You talk to your mobile phone to control the lights, the fan, the air conditioner, or your pool pump. But how does it work? In this lesson, we explore the AI that could power a home automation system.


Recognising AI

Use the tasks in this lesson to introduce concepts that underpin artificial intelligence (AI). The majority of the tasks are unplugged (do not require a digital device). Use the downloadable AI cards with your students to explore what they know about AI.


Hot Bots

For this project, students are introduced to the Arduino microcontroller and Arduino integrated development environment for programming a switch on an air conditioner. This lesson was designed by Cindy Thornton, Flinders Island District High School, Tasmania.


Seeing the wood for the trees

In this lesson sequence students summarise data using advanced filtering and grouping techniques, for example pivot tables in spreadsheets and aggregation functions in databases.


Off to the movies

This is a simple Boolean (true/false) application where its asks the user’s age - if you are over 15 then you can watch G and M rated movies - if you are under 15, then you can only watch G rated movies. This lesson was designed in collaboration with Jason Vearing QSITE (Gold Coast Chapter).


Morse code network

This lesson sequence is a hands-on approach to the learning about digital systems for years 7–8.


Introduction to binary - catering for vision impaired students

This sequence of lessons focuses on what a binary number is, what a decimal number is, why binary numbers are important in digital systems and how to read and understand a binary number.


Hot or not?

This lesson sequence focuses on the incremental or Agile approach to development and encourages students to follow the evolution of a temperature conversion tool for a Food Technology teacher. It uses an Excel spreadsheet application as the prototyping tool.


Future proofing data

This lesson sequence aims to identify strengths and weaknesses of past, present and future methods of data storage and recognise the risks and benefits for users. Students explore specific “data dilemmas”.


Check out the checkout

This sequence of lessons explores how to incorporate user input, decision-making and loops in programming using the context of a shopping experience, particularly the checkout. It combines data in the form of a barcode and programming choices.


Behaving with real class - Using a text-based language

This lesson sequence offers an approaches to teaching object-oriented principles using text-based programming. It attempts to address the problem that many of programming languages are too complex and their environments confusing for many students.


Spreadsheets come alive

In this lesson sequence use the ‘Odds and evens’ problem as a springboard. Students construct interactive spreadsheets designed to address particular needs. This lesson also demonstrates an approach to programming known as rapid application development (RAD).


User interface design: Controllers for all

In this lesson, students design and implement a new user-interface that allows a user to interact with a digital program. This lesson idea was created by Rebecca Vivian.


Sphero Invent a Game

This lesson will explore how to program the Sphero using functions and show the benefits of decomposing the behaviour of the Sphero into functions, instead of writing line by line repeated behaviours. This lesson idea was created by Celia Coffa.


Getting to know Bee-Bot

Students are introduced to the Bee-Bot as a robotic device. They learn about what the Bee-Bot is, the functions and how the Bee-Bot can be used for specific purposes. They learn how to develop a sequence of steps for the Bee-Bot to follow. This lesson idea was created by Rebecca Vivian.


Pencil code program: Lady MacBeth Chat Bot

Use this program to create an interactive chat bot who answers questions as if she is Lady Macbeth. Have students analyze, fill in or change parts of, or use the program to create their own variation and rendition of a character. This program could be used to further your understanding of how you could use Pencil Code in ...


Water Water everywhere!

In this lesson, students are presented with the challenging problem of measuring a volume of water using containers that are not the exact measurement size. Students will decompose a complex problem into discrete steps, design an algorithm for solving the problem, and evaluate solution efficiencies and optimization in a ...