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Focus on China: Cross Curriculum Connections in Secondary Schools

Ideas and resources that connect the learning of Chinese language with other learning areas.


Focus on Japan: Cross Curriculum Connections in Secondary Schools

Ideas and resources that connect the learning of Japanese language with other learning areas.


Getting started with sustainability in schools

This is a website to help teachers implement an Education for Sustainability (EfS) approach in their professional practice. The multi-layered site is organised into five main sections. The first (Steps) identifies four key EfS contexts and provides support for each, including 11 case studies and five teacher profiles that ...


Numeracy improvement at Wallaroo Mines Primary School

This teacher resource describes strategies used in a whole-school initiative to improve numeracy outcomes in Wallaroo Mines Primary School, South Australia. The school used a coaching strategy - along with the Big Ideas in Number strategy (Siemon 2006). The strategies included diagnostic tools, teacher professional learning, ...


Improving numeracy achievement for students in years 7-9

This teacher resource describes a strategy to raise numeracy standards in 12 Catholic secondary schools in Western Australia identified as having significant numbers of years 7-9 students in the lower achievement bands for the National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) numeracy tests. The method included ...


Standing Tall in Literacy and Numeracy

This teacher resource is about a strategy called Standing Tall in Literacy and Numeracy that targets Aboriginal students' transition to the Foundation year and improved achievement in literacy and numeracy throughout the primary years. The strategy was developed by St Joseph's Primary School in Taree, New South Wales. The ...


Secondary mathematics: using real data

These seven learning activities, which focus on the use of 'real data' using a variety of tools (software) and devices (hardware), illustrate the ways in which content, pedagogy and technology can be successfully and effectively integrated in order to promote learning. In the activities, teachers use the three content strands ...


Bridging the Numeracy Gap

This teacher resource describes the Bridging the Numeracy Gap strategy, which aimed to build teacher capacity and accelerate learning for mathematically vulnerable students in low socioeconomic status and Aboriginal communities in Victoria and Western Australia. Actions included: implementing a research-based intervention ...


Taking Off With Numeracy

This teacher resource describes a numeracy intervention strategy for primary students identified as underperforming in mathematics in New South Wales. The Taking Off With Numeracy (TOWN) strategy focuses on professional learning to enhance teachers' knowledge and skills. Teachers are supported to assess each student's numeracy ...


Evidence Based Observations and Coaching

This teacher resource describes an extended professional learning program implemented in 38 Victorian independent schools using evidence-based observations (EBO) as the basis for in-school teacher coaching to improve students' literacy and numeracy. Organised in nine sections: Summary; Target student group; Method; Results; ...


Aboriginal Independent Community Schools Numeracy Strategy

This teacher resource describes a strategy to improve the numeracy levels of low-achieving Aboriginal students in 12 remote Aboriginal Independent Community Schools (AICS) in Western Australia. The method section describes the development of an online portal; professional development for teachers, principals and Aboriginal ...


Representations of Oral Language and Engagement in Mathematics

This is a teacher resource describing a strategy to support teachers of early years mathematics to improve their pedagogical content knowledge in order to improve outcomes for students, particularly Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and ESL (English as a second language) students and those in low socioeconomic status ...


Accelerated Indigenous Mathematics

This is a teacher resource about the Accelerated Indigenous Mathematics (AIM) program developed for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students found to be underachieving in mathematics in years 7 to 9. It describes the three-year program to develop understandings of years 3-9 mathematics, replacing the regular program ...


ACTION: improved outcomes in numeracy

This teacher resource describes strategies used to improve numeracy outcomes in 11 Catholic primary schools in Tasmania. The strategies include teacher professional development, building curriculum leadership and encouraging home-school partnerships. The results include increased teacher confidence and proficiency in mathematics, ...


Targeted Early Numeracy

This teacher resource describes a New South Wales strategy to support early years teachers in improving numeracy outcomes for Foundation to year 2 students likely to perform at or below the national minimum standard in numeracy in year 3. The intervention program involved professional learning for Targeted Early Numeracy ...


Four-dimensional coaching support for teachers of literacy and numeracy

This is a teacher resource describing a collaborative model of whole-school change to build teacher capacity and improve student outcomes in literacy and numeracy implemented in 45 Catholic primary schools (F-7) in South Australia. Organised in nine sections: Summary; Target student group; Method; Results; Next steps; Lessons ...


Scaffolding pedagogy: improving mathematics teaching and learning

This is a teacher resource describing an initiative to build the mathematics content knowledge and pedagogies of teachers to improve numeracy learning outcomes for Aboriginal students in four primary schools. It describes the method used including the development of teachers' content knowledge of number through the Big ...


Changing the culture: a numeracy tutorial program

This teacher resource describes strategies used to improve numeracy outcomes for Foundation to year 6 students at Carey Baptist College, Perth. The strategies include a numeracy assessment tool developed by a maths curriculum coordinator to identify students who needed to improve their understanding of measurement and number. ...


YuMi Deadly Mathematics Professional Learning

This is a teacher resource about a project to provide professional learning to teachers on the YuMi Deadly Maths program, designed to improve mathematics learning for F-9 students in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and low-socio-economic status schools. A method section describes key teaching strategies including ...


Leading Numeracy

This teacher resource is about a leadership development professional learning course called Leading Numeracy. The course builds the capacity of school numeracy leaders to work collaboratively with teachers to improve student numeracy outcomes in Victorian schools. The resource describes the objectives and content topics ...