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Anti-bullying AI

Sometimes we write and post things on social media in a hurry. Such posts can hurt people and even make them feel bullied. Wouldn't it be great if an Artificial Intelligence application could check our posts as we write them, and warn us if they were potentially hurtful?


Home automation with AI

Home automation is all the rage. You talk to your mobile phone to control the lights, the fan, the air conditioner, or your pool pump. But how does it work? In this lesson, we explore the AI that could power a home automation system.


Can AI guess your emotion?

Discuss emotions as a class, and introduce the idea of artificial intelligence (AI). This lesson can also be used to introduce image classification – a key application of AI. Developed in collaboration with Digital Technologies Institute.


Visual to text coding: Index page

This lesson sequence provides a bridge between visual coding (eg. Scratch) and General Purpose Programming languages (eg. Python or JavaScript). This resource is most suitable if you have never done General Purpose Programming and/or you benefit from slow-paced, step-by-step video tutorials.


What's the buzz?

In this lesson students use BeeBots and Scratch Junior to synthesize what they know about Bees and are introduced to mapping concepts. This lesson idea was created by Karen Butler.


Seeing the wood for the trees

In this lesson sequence students summarise data using advanced filtering and grouping techniques, for example pivot tables in spreadsheets and aggregation functions in databases.


Everything you always wanted to know…

In this lesson sequence students design, build and evaluate their own database and perform queries and build reports based on that database. Students should have prior experience creating a flat file database.


Spreadsheets come alive

In this lesson sequence use the ‘Odds and evens’ problem as a springboard. Students construct interactive spreadsheets designed to address particular needs. This lesson also demonstrates an approach to programming known as rapid application development (RAD).


Weather forecast from the stratosphere

This lesson sequence is designed to introduce students to data analysis using a spreadsheet such as MS Excel. The project is based on a real world problem and a real data set from a weather balloon launched in Australia earlier this year. The project consists of 5 lessons of variable length, each with a different focus. ...


The wizard of Ozo

Using OzoBots students move an Ozobot about a map with coordinates. This lesson idea was created by Ben Jucius.


User interface design: Controllers for all

In this lesson, students design and implement a new user-interface that allows a user to interact with a digital program. This lesson idea was created by Rebecca Vivian.


DT Challenge - 7/8 Blockly - Geometry

Explore geometry through programming, and draw intricate patterns and explosive fireworks! In this challenge, you’ll learn about how computers use angles, parallel lines and geometric transformations to generate the text and images you see on your screen every day. Use what you learn to develop your own fonts, pattern generators ...


DT Challenge - 7/8 Arduino - Sound

Let's make our own devices with the Arduino! We'll take a deep dive into building devices from the ground up, and you'll see how all pieces of technology are built! Learn how to create a temperature monitor, or a musical instrument, or make an automatic torch! Jump right in and let's make some noise!


DT Challenge - 5/6 Blockly - Chatbot

Write programs to solve problems with code and create word games! In this DT Challenge, you'll learn how to play Mad Libs, Questions, Taboo, and Word Chain, and even write your very own Pirate Chatbot! Can you fool your friends into thinking they're talking to a real person? Learn how to create a series of word games with ...


DT Challenge - 7/8 Python - Smart garden

Learn how to program a BBC micro:bit using Python — no experience required. Learn the basics of programming in Python with our full BBC micro:bit simulator. Create a Smart Garden device to monitor the health of your plants, measuring temperature and wiring up a simple soil moisture sensor.


DT Challenge - 5/6 Blockly - Intro to Micro:Bit

Learn how to program a BBC micro:bit using Blockly. No experience required. Learn the basics of programming in Blockly with our full BBC micro:bit simulator.


digIT Web Design workbook

This lesson provides an introduction and overview to learning HTML and CSS. It provides guidance and tips to help students to create and design their own website.


Decoding privacy: Talking points to set up new tech

Explore the conversation cards to inspire conversations about privacy and use of technology that is new to students. Download, print and cut out the cards to use with your class.


Digital Citizenship Resources: Online Safety

Find resources related to developing a positive digital footprint, helping students discern the difference in being online and offline, methods of protecting passwords and identity, and strategies for socialising safely.


Animate Your World

This activity invites students to explore coding an animation using a computer, a webcam and Scratch programming. Interactive animations allow learners to animate their world and their own movements. Students use a tool called video sensing that uses motion picked up from the webcam to start and engage with digital animations ...