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Landline: Water footprints in food manufacturing

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Three sections of colour with text green, blue, grey
Landline: Water footprints in food manufacturing

SUBJECTS:  Science

YEARS:  9–10

How much water does it take to produce a large packet of M&Ms?

Watch as the 'water footprint' of some household products is presented and hear the concerns expressed about the methods used to calculate these footprints.

Discover how an examination of the water used by the components of some manufactured foods has led to revised footprint values.

Things to think about

  1. 1.You have probably heard of a 'carbon footprint', but what do you think a 'water footprint' is? Why has the use of 'footprints' become a commonly used term in recent times?
  2. 2.What has the Water Footprint Network provided on their website? How much water do they claim is required to produce 1kg of beef? How does Australian researcher, Brad Ridout question these large figures? How does he suggest they could be misleading? Listen as the cattle industry and the CSIRO agree that where the water comes from makes a difference. How does this affect M&Ms and tomato sauce?
  3. 3.Why was considering where water is used in the supply chain when manufacturing products important? How did the revised calculations change the water usage figure for M&Ms and pasta sauce? Why was the water impact higher for tomatoes compared to cocoa?
  4. 4.Explain the difference between blue, green and grey water. Although the most water use is not from domestic activities, it is still sensible to be 'waterwise' at home. Find out your household water consumption and compare this to some larger and smaller households. Develop a plan to reduce your household water use.

Date of broadcast: 16 Aug 2009


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