Digital systems cards

Digital systems are a key concept in Digital Technologies. This resource comprises two sets of printable cards. They can be used for activities to support building knowledge and understanding of digital systems with a focus on the components of digital systems; in particular, hardware and peripheral devices.

Additional details

Year band(s) Foundation, 1-2, 3-4
Content type Lesson ideas
Format Document
Core and overarching concepts Digital systems, Design thinking, Systems thinking
Australian Curriculum Digital Technologies code(s)

Recognise and explore digital systems (hardware and software) for a purpose


Identify and explore digital systems and their components for a purpose


Explore and describe a range of digital systems and their peripherals for a variety of purposes


Explore transmitting different types of data between digital systems

Keywords digital systems, DTiF, dtif, DTIF, ACARA
Integrated, cross-curriculum, special needs Digital Literacy, Literacy

Australian Government Department of Education and Training


Australian Government Department of Education and Training, CC BY 4.0